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Willing to Do Anything to Help

Jon Landaw wrote this brief tribute to Lama Yeshe after his death in 1984. It includes the story of Jon’s first encounter with Lama Yeshe and is demonstrative of how Lama effortlessly hooked his students and empowered them to let ... Read more »

We Should Be Very Harmonious and Try to Help Each Other

Geshe Sopa Rinpoche gave this advice at Lama Yeshe’s cremation at Vajrapani Institute, California in 1984. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.

A Day in the Life of an FPMT Lama: Lama Lhundrup

Lama Lhundrup has been taking care of Kopan Monastery, and anyone who comes near it, for almost forty years. In 1995, Ven. Fran Mohoupt asked him about his typical day. From Mandala September, 1995.

Lama Osel at Kopan

Kopan Monastery, Nepal — July 17, 2011 From Ven. Roger: Osel arrived at Kopan on Monday morning to see Lama Lhundrup and stayed one week. It had been 12 years since Osel was last at Kopan. Osel recognized a lot ... Read more »

Tomorrow, The Escalator

Washington D.C., USA– July 16, 2011 From Michael Jolliffe: For His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s long life puja, I wore a tie. It’s a nice tie. In fact, because it is so nice, I think that my closest French friend ... Read more »

Power for the Pilgrims

Washington D.C., USA– July 15, 2011 From Michael Jolliffe: I just finished a 20-ounce iced chai latte. I’m in the United States, so I’ll let you guess where I bought it. Hint: it rhymes with “bar-stucks.” It was delicious. The ... Read more »

Indestrucitble, Inseparable Brothers and Sisters

Washington D.C., USA– July 14, 2011 From Michael Jolliffe: At the beginning of a series of teachings His Holiness the Dalai Lama always stresses that all people share the wish to be free from suffering, the wish to achieve happiness, ... Read more »

Swan’s Gala for an Ugly Duckling

Washington D.C., USA– July 13, 2011 From Michael Jolliffe: It’s been a long and lovely day. His Holiness finished giving the introduction to Kamalashila’s Stages of Meditation and proceeded with the preliminary preparations for the initiation. You can find many ... Read more »

July 13 2011

Dear Friends, Over the last week Rinpoche hasn’t been regular in the physio and exercise, I guess it was a bit of an experiment from Rinpoche’s side but also due to business with other programs. The physio came this morning ... Read more »

Pilgrim’s Journey Cycles On

Washington D.C., USA– July 12, 2011 From Michael Jolliffe: No formal teachings were scheduled for today, so I went to the Verizon Center incredibly relaxed, fully expecting to watch some ritual dancing at 2:30 p.m. and maybe visit something famous ... Read more »

The Pilgrim Has an Identity Crisis

Washington D.C., USA– July 11, 2011 From Michael Jolliffe: On my floor in the dorm where I am staying there are three showers. I find it poetic that the midmost one is the best. The first, to the far left, ... Read more »

The Pilgrim with Raisin Eyes

Mandala‘s Michael Jolliffe is on location in Washington D.C. for the Kalachakra for World Peace event with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His daily blog from the event will afford those of us unable to attend the opportunity to experience ... Read more »