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Anger Always Hurts Me

Jan Willis uses Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara and her experience in the Civil Rights Movement to discuss anger – the negative emotion that “is by far the most dangerous for it not only causes much harm to others; it is perhaps most ... Read more »

June 23 2011

Dear friends, Rinpoche is doing well and still in Nepal. Rinpoche is walking without aid now though someone has to walk close behind in case Rinpoche stumbles. Rinpoche has to drag the right leg a little and use his hip ... Read more »


On May 1, 2011, President Barack Obama informed the United States that Osama bin Laden had been killed. In “Hurray!” Sarah Shifferd reflects on the event, its relationship to the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11, 2001, and ... Read more »

Buddhism in the Trenches

Molly Fitzgerald, an FPMT student who works extensively in the criminal justice system in Ohio, USA, writes about how she applies Essential Education’s 16 Guideline to her professional life, particularly about how she shares the 16 Guidelines with her clients ... Read more »

Morning Intention and Breath Counting with Children

Pam Cayton shares two meditation practices that have been practiced at Tara Redwood School, but can be adapted to various settings and for all age groups. From Mandala July-September 2011.

Protection from Radiation

One serious result of the tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011 was the damage to several nuclear reactors. Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave a list of advice for those concerned about the effects of radiation. From Mandala July-September 2011. One ... Read more »

Practices to Control Earthquakes and the Four Elements

Lama Zopa Rinpoche translated and dictated a collection of practices to control earthquakes and the four elements just after a massive earthquake hit Japan on March 10, 2011, triggering a devastating tsunami killing 14,704 (with 10,969 still missing) and severely ... Read more »

Leading with the Mind of a Servant

Lama Zopa Rinpoche discusses the attitudes that make one an effective leader, particularly within FPMT. From Mandala July-September 2011.

Don’t Stop! Go Now!

Tim Burress, an FPMT student and resident of Hokkaido, Japan, answers this very difficult question: How can I take extreme tragedy on as part of the path and keep composure even if the unthinkable (new tragedies, natural disasters, wars, food ... Read more »
Australia to Nepal and Beyond

Australia to Nepal and Beyond

Kopan Monastery, Nepal — June 11, 2011 From Ven. Roger: Friday June 3, Bendigo, Australia: After discussion between Rinpoche, Khadro-la and myself, we decided that Khadro-la will leave tomorrow for Nepal. After long and thorough discussions, it was decided that ... Read more »
Long Life Puja – photos

Long Life Puja – photos

Photos taken during the long life puja offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Kopan Monastery, Nepal; June 10 2011 The main lamas attending the puja are Dhakpa Rinpoche, Dagri Rinpoche, Serkong Dorje Chang, Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup, Khadro la and ... Read more »

June 10 2011

Dear Friends, Rinpoche is now in Kopan , arrived 2 days ago. Today there is a special long life puja for Rinpoche. Then over the next 2 weeks a number of pujas. Rinpoche’s walking is improving but still the right ... Read more »