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Buddha House Honors Gen Dondrub and the FPMT Sangha Jewel

Buddha House Honors Gen Dondrub and the FPMT Sangha Jewel

Buddha House, the FPMT center located in a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia, celebrated their resident teacher Ven. Thubten Dondrub. Carole Migalka, Tara Hall coordinator, shares the story. On June 20, 2021, Dharma brothers and sisters from around Australia and ... Read more »
From Where Depression Comes: How to Deal with the Nature of Depression

From Where Depression Comes: How to Deal with the Nature of Depression

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation, recording this time in Maratika, Nepal. Rinpoche gave this teaching on the topic of depression at the request of a student. It was transmitted via Zoom to a live audience ... Read more »
Lamrim Year: Lama Yeshe on Impermanence and Death

Lamrim Year: Lama Yeshe on Impermanence and Death

Lamrim Year: Making Life Meaningful Day By Day is an essential guide for students at any level of Buddhist study who want to develop their mind in the graduated path to enlightenment (lamrim). The book was inspired by Lama Zopa ... Read more »
Tara Mandala Reports on Their Eight Million Tara Mantra Recitation Goal and Other Inspiring Activities

Tara Mandala Reports on Their Eight Million Tara Mantra Recitation Goal and Other Inspiring Activities

Tara Mandala Center, the FPMT center in Landau an der Isar, Bavaria, Germany, has continued to engage in Dharma practice during the past year. Katrin Veicht, a board member for the center, shares the story a bout their eight million ... Read more »
Freedom Is in Our Hands

Freedom Is in Our Hands

In the following short video, Lama Zopa Rinpoche examines the question of why certain things happen: Why does a tornado pick up a car and drop it out of the sky, killing a certain person? Why are leaves and petals ... Read more »
Our September e-News is Out Now

Our September e-News is Out Now

We invite you to read our September FPMT International Office e-News, out now! Our news to enjoy and rejoice about: Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Recent Activities, New Free Book by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Recent Offerings Made to Holy Objects, …and more. ... Read more »
Creating the Conditions for Success

Creating the Conditions for Success

Students regularly contact Lama Zopa Rinpoche and FPMT International Office with questions about business, money, and finding meaningful work. The FPMT Foundation Store has three new items that may help with these areas of concern: The Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret ... Read more »
Offering Support for Medical Care, Food, and Living Expenses for those in Need in 2021

Offering Support for Medical Care, Food, and Living Expenses for those in Need in 2021

The FPMT Social Services Fund offers grants to beneficial projects primarily in India, Nepal, and Mongolia, which are aimed at serving children, the elderly, the sick, and very poor. We offer grants for schools, hospices, health clinics, soup kitchens, and ... Read more »
Why Do We Take Refuge?

Why Do We Take Refuge?

During a retreat in 2017, a student asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche about a bad hurricane that had just caused great damage to parts of the Caribbean and Florida Keys: “If it is the karma of the people on the islands ... Read more »
Centro Nagarjuna Valencia Celebrates the Publication of EL MUNDO FÍSICO

Centro Nagarjuna Valencia Celebrates the Publication of EL MUNDO FÍSICO

On May 20, 2021, Centro Nagarjuna Valencia, the FPMT center in Valencia, Spain, joyously announced the publication of El Mundo Físico, a 568-page hardcover Spanish translation of Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Volume 1: The Physical World, ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Explains the Benefits of Writing the Prajnaparamita Sutra — Part TWO

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Explains the Benefits of Writing the Prajnaparamita Sutra — Part TWO

Recently we shared a video from Lama Zopa Rinpoche explaining some of the profound benefits of writing out the Prajnaparamita Sutra, and some of the history of Rinpoche’s ongoing project to write out this sutra in pure gold which Rinpoche ... Read more »
Karuna Hospice Services’ Podcast Wants to Help People Talk about Death

Karuna Hospice Services’ Podcast Wants to Help People Talk about Death

Karuna Hospice Services in Windsor, Queensland, Australia, has a new initiative to help people prepare for their own death and the deaths of loved ones. Verena Coombs, who does community relations for the hospice, shares the story of their podcast, ... Read more »