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We Invite you to Read the August FPMT e-News

We Invite you to Read the August FPMT e-News

We hope you enjoy our August edition of the monthly FPMT International Office e-News! We bring you news about: New Photo Album for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Our New Education Program, New Practice Materials, Recent Charitable Giving, …and more! Have the ... Read more »
Lama Yeshe’s Legacy: Taking a Broad View

Lama Yeshe’s Legacy: Taking a Broad View

In 1983, more than 50 centers and projects constituted the international FPMT mandala. Representatives from those centers and projects gathered in January of that year at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Italy to discuss the registration of FPMT as a ... Read more »
By the Force of Habituation, You Uncontrollably Engage in Nonvirtue Again

By the Force of Habituation, You Uncontrollably Engage in Nonvirtue Again

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his teachings for ordained Sangha, which are open to all who wish ... Read more »
Rinpoche Liberates Bodhichitta the Buffalo

Rinpoche Liberates Bodhichitta the Buffalo

Benefiting animals is a high priority for FPMT and one of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the organization. Rinpoche recently liberated and blessed a water buffalo, which are often butchered for meat in Nepal. Rinpoche, who appeared to have ... Read more »
The Noble Great Dharani Is ‘Best for Sentient Beings, for Healing and Whatever [Purposes]’

The Noble Great Dharani Is ‘Best for Sentient Beings, for Healing and Whatever [Purposes]’

In the Noble Great Dharani, Buddha pledged that those who take up, retain, recite, and memorize it will be protected from all infectious diseases, fear, and harm, including from fires, poisons, and persecution. Furthermore, “they will not turn away from ... Read more »
New ‘Live with Compassion’ Posters on Display at FPMT Centers Worldwide

New ‘Live with Compassion’ Posters on Display at FPMT Centers Worldwide

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s “Live with Compassion” quote has inspired four new posters that are being displayed at FPMT centers, projects, and services around the world. These beautiful posters combine Rinpoche’s quote with portraits of Rinpoche and are available for download ... Read more »
The Power of the Heart Sutra

The Power of the Heart Sutra

Reading and reciting The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, more simply known as the Heart Sutra, is a powerful way to create the conditions for having a direct realization of emptiness. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has explained that the ... Read more »
Being Attached to Sex Has Not Freed You from the Oceans of Samsaric Sufferings

Being Attached to Sex Has Not Freed You from the Oceans of Samsaric Sufferings

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Rinpoche begins this video reminding listeners that while this teaching is being given specifically for ordained ... Read more »
Benefiting the Animals– Rejoicing in a Year of Support Offered

Benefiting the Animals– Rejoicing in a Year of Support Offered

Benefiting animals in any way possible is a high priority for FPMT and one of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the organization. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has explained many ways that we can benefit animals, not just by saving them ... Read more »
FPMT Community Celebrates the One-Year Anniversary of the “Healing the World” Prayerathon

FPMT Community Celebrates the One-Year Anniversary of the “Healing the World” Prayerathon

The FPMT community celebrated the one-year anniversary of “Healing the World with Thangtong Gyalpo’s Prayer” on July 31–August 1, 2021, with Sangha and students worldwide joining the online prayerathon. The International Mahayana Institute (IMI), FPMT’s community of monks and nuns, ... Read more »
Different People Need Different Methods

Different People Need Different Methods

Lama Thubten Yeshe, who founded the FPMT organization with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, excelled at helping Western students connect with the essence of the Buddha’s teachings. Here Lama Yeshe offers advice on how to understand the different schools and traditions of ... Read more »
Advice on Group Water Bowl Retreats at Home

Advice on Group Water Bowl Retreats at Home

Among the preliminary practices, only that of water bowl offerings can be done in a group practice and allows one to add the numbers accumulated by the group’s participants into one’s own count. In 2020, a center director wrote to ... Read more »