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Hayagriva Tsog Kong Puja Offered for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life

Hayagriva Tsog Kong Puja Offered for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life

Following the advice of Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drolma (Khadro-la), a Most Secret Hayagriva tsog kong puja was offered at Kopan Monastery in Nepal on October 26 for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s long life. In addition, this puja was dedicated for ... Read more »
Family Feeling in the time of COVID: The FPMT North America Regional Meeting

Family Feeling in the time of COVID: The FPMT North America Regional Meeting

At the end of September 2020, Drolkar McCallum, regional coordinator for FPMT North America and office manager for the International Mahayana Institute—FPMT’s international community of nuns and monks—held a successful and highly enjoyable regional meeting. Drolkar offered her reflections. This ... Read more »
Offering to a Sky Filled with Wish-Granting Jewels: The Sangha

Offering to a Sky Filled with Wish-Granting Jewels: The Sangha

Supporting monks and nuns is one of the highest priorities for the FPMT organization. As Lama Zopa Rinpoche has said, “The value of Sangha is more than the whole sky filled with wish-granting jewels.” The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund was ... Read more »
The Reasons You Need to Meditate on the Right View

The Reasons You Need to Meditate on the Right View

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Rinpoche begins this video by advising on the proper motivation for listening to the teachings. One ... Read more »
‘I Is Empty, Emptiness Is I’ Shows the Meaning of ‘Dependent Arising’

‘I Is Empty, Emptiness Is I’ Shows the Meaning of ‘Dependent Arising’

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Rinpoche begins by asking, “What is the purpose of your life? And why do you do ... Read more »
Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Helping Communities in Need

Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Helping Communities in Need

Root Institute for Wisdom Culture, the FPMT center in Bodhgaya, Bihar State, India, has been distributing daily staples and food in the local community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Community service is one of FPMT’s Five Pillars of Service. The online ... Read more »
Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Helping Local Communities in Need

Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Helping Local Communities in Need

Root Institute for Wisdom Culture, the FPMT center in Bodhgaya, Bihar State, India, has been distributing daily staples and food to local poor people and migrant laborers returning to their villages due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Community service is one ... Read more »
Extensive Most Secret Hayagriva Pujas Sponsored at Sera Je Monastery Every Month

Extensive Most Secret Hayagriva Pujas Sponsored at Sera Je Monastery Every Month

For twenty-five years the Puja Fund has been sponsoring ongoing prayers and practices dedicated to the success and longevity of the entire FPMT organization. One puja that Lama Zopa Rinpoche advises as particularly important for FPMT, due to the organization’s ... Read more »
Having Even a Little Faith in Emptiness Is So Fortunate

Having Even a Little Faith in Emptiness Is So Fortunate

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Rinpoche begins this teaching reminding us that we will continue to suffer if we never make ... Read more »
The Root of All the Suffering in the World Is Ignorance

The Root of All the Suffering in the World Is Ignorance

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Rinpoche begins this teaching discussing how millions of people in the West suffer from depression and ... Read more »
Welcome to our October e-News

Welcome to our October e-News

In this month’s FPMT International Office e-News, out now, we bring you news about: Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Teachings and Advice, How We’re Supporting Schools in India and Nepal, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi’s Story, Who’s Who in the FPMT Organization, ….and ... Read more »
Bodhichitta Is the Real Essential

Bodhichitta Is the Real Essential

The Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive’s September E-letter featured the following teaching from Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935–1984), who founded FPMT with Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Bodhichitta itself makes us so completely peaceful, so happy. The self-cherishing thought is like putting a sword ... Read more »