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New Resource Page for the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic

New Resource Page for the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic

In these challenging and anxious times, FPMT International Office offers our prayers and best wishes to all who are navigating uncertainty and change during the coronavirus pandemic. We have created a page of resources and advice related to this crisis ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Padmasambhava Incense Puja at Kopan Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Padmasambhava Incense Puja at Kopan Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi, and ordained Sangha offered a Padmasambhava incense puja at Kopan Monastery in Nepal in response to the global coronavirus pandemic. Watch a Short Video of the Incense Puja at Kopan Monastery: https://youtu.be/5-hPIH5xAlI https://youtu.be/5-hPIH5xAlI ... Read more »
Prayers and Practices for the Benefit of All

Prayers and Practices for the Benefit of All

Recently Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised on particular pujas for those suffering due to the coronavirus. According to Rinpoche’s advice: a wrathful fire puja was offered by Jhado Rinpoche in South India at Sera Je Monastery, Hayagriva tsog kong was offered ... Read more »
Six-Session Guru Yoga Root Verses and Commentaries

Six-Session Guru Yoga Root Verses and Commentaries

Students can now find two newly translated texts relevant to the practice of six-session guru yoga, often given in the Gelug tradition as a daily practice commitment to all those who have received a highest yoga tantric initiation, in ebook ... Read more »
We Cannot Trust the Appearance of Things

We Cannot Trust the Appearance of Things

The Six Perfections: The Practice of the Bodhisattvas is a new book from Lama Zopa Rinpoche. In it, Rinpoche walks us through the six perfections, a key Mahayana Buddhist training. Here’s an excerpt from Rinpoche’s teaching on the perfection of ... Read more »
Foundation Service Seminars Were Held in Spain and France

Foundation Service Seminars Were Held in Spain and France

The Foundation Service Seminar (FSS) is the “FPMT immersion retreat.” It provides essential information and nourishment for all serving, or wishing to serve, in the FPMT organization. The FSS Retreat is key to deeply understanding the FPMT organization and the ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Teaching Tour of Australia Postponed

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Teaching Tour of Australia Postponed

Due to the risk from the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Bodhicaryavatara and Rinjung Gyatsa Retreat at the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, Bendigo, Australia, has been postponed. Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s other teaching events in Australia in March and ... Read more »

Update from FPMT Inc. Board of Directors

As last reported in December 2019, FPMT Inc. has contracted with FaithTrust Institute (FTI) to undertake a fact-finding assessment with a review and report on findings in response to allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of Dagri Rinpoche at ... Read more »
Continual Butter Lamps Sponsored at Thubten Chöling and Guru Rinpoche Statue in Chailsa, Nepal

Continual Butter Lamps Sponsored at Thubten Chöling and Guru Rinpoche Statue in Chailsa, Nepal

The FPMT Puja Fund sponsors continual butter lamp light offerings at Thubten Chöling and in front of a very precious Guru Rinpoche statue in Chailsa, Nepal. The butter lamp offered at Thubten Chöling Monastery is in front of a shrine ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Recites the Long and Short Namgyalma Mantras

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Recites the Long and Short Namgyalma Mantras

“If animals hear this Namgyalma mantra, it is last time they will be animals; they will never get reborn in lower realms at all, ” Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught in Ganden Tendar Ling in Moscow, Russia, in 2017. “They will ... Read more »
Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom Released a New Guidebook

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom Released a New Guidebook

In January 2020, Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW), an international FPMT project, published its Building Inner Strength Discussion Guide, a new free resource designed to help more people around the world learn about and benefit from their 16 ... Read more »
Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling Completed a Seventh 100 Million Mani Retreat

Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling Completed a Seventh 100 Million Mani Retreat

One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the FPMT organization is to sponsor 100 million OM MANI PADME HUM retreats around the world. Rinpoche has said, “[I would like] for the organization to establish 100,000 recitations of 100 million ... Read more »