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Exclusive FPMT Basic Program Opportunities at Kopan Monastery

Exclusive FPMT Basic Program Opportunities at Kopan Monastery

FPMT registered teacher and German monk Ven. Fedor Stracke has agreed to teach two Basic Program subjects—Ornament for Clear Realization and Seventy Topics and Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra—during July and August of 2019 at Kopan Monastery, FPMT’s mother ... Read more »
Pilgrims Offered Support to Liberation Prison Project

Pilgrims Offered Support to Liberation Prison Project

Since 2001 Liberation Prison Project (LPP), an FPMT project, and San Francisco, California, US tour company Himalayan High Treks have been working together to enable people to go on pilgrimage. Twenty-two pilgrimages have been offered so far, raising a grand ... Read more »
Robes of Precious Material Offered to Buddha Statue Inside Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya, Every Month

Robes of Precious Material Offered to Buddha Statue Inside Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya, Every Month

Every month on the full moon as well as on all four great Buddha multiplying days, the Puja Fund sponsors a new set of robes made of high quality material for the precious Buddha statue inside the Mahabodhi Stupa in ... Read more »
The Center Is of Utmost Importance

The Center Is of Utmost Importance

Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote a benefactor thanking them for their support of a center and explaining a center’s benefits. I just want to send you these cards and tell you that I highly appreciate your kindness in helping the center. ... Read more »
How to Help People Who Are Sick and Dying

How to Help People Who Are Sick and Dying

Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised a student who wanted to help the sick and dying. You don’t have to go [to the hospital] to help them; instead, wherever you stay, you can do the Eight Prayers to Benefit the Dead. Recite ... Read more »
Take a Look! White Umbrella Deity (Sitatapatra) Resources

Take a Look! White Umbrella Deity (Sitatapatra) Resources

FPMT.org makes available a variety of White Umbrella Deity (Sitatapatra) resource to interested students, including a devotional card and White Umbrella Deity practices in PDF format. Students can also find a White Umbrella Deity text than can be worn as ... Read more »
Buddhism for Young Adults Group in Mexico City, Mexico

Buddhism for Young Adults Group in Mexico City, Mexico

Thubten Kunkyab Study Group, an FPMT study group in Mexico City, Mexico, has organized a Buddhism for Young Adults group that began meeting in January 2019. Buddhism for Young Adults group coordinators Nancy Torres Lopez and Ricardo Mesta Esparza, young ... Read more »
Practices Completed for the Long Life of Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme

Practices Completed for the Long Life of Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme

Recently Lama Zopa Rinpoche arranged for several practices, sponsored by the Puja Fund, for the long life of Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme (Khadro-la). 57,232 animals were liberated by the Sangha at Kachoe Dechen Ling in California, and Buddha Amitabha ... Read more »
Benefits of Working at a Dharma Center

Benefits of Working at a Dharma Center

Lama Zopa Rinpoche sent this letter to all the staff at an FPMT center, thanking them for working at the center. My most dear, most kind, most precious, wish-fulfilling one, My thanks, first of all, that you have taken a ... Read more »
Treat Others Peacefully, Be a Good Example for the World

Treat Others Peacefully, Be a Good Example for the World

A student wrote to Lama Zopa Rinpoche about how she and her brothers and sisters responded to the murder of their father and grandmother. Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote back to the student and then requested that his letter and an ... Read more »
Take a Look! Buddhism in a Nutshell: Essentials for Practice and Study

Take a Look! Buddhism in a Nutshell: Essentials for Practice and Study

The book Buddhism in a Nutshell: Essentials for Practice and Study combines short teachings of the precious gurus Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche with short teachings by the much-loved American nun, Ven. Amy Miller. It comes with an ... Read more »
Journey to Lawudo with Ven. Amy Miller

Journey to Lawudo with Ven. Amy Miller

Venerable Amy Miller, an FPMT registered teacher, has been informally leading people to Lawudo in Nepal’s Solu Khumbu District since 1990. She shares about the October 5-22, 2018, trip she led for twenty-three people from around the world. This is ... Read more »