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Grant Offered to New Stupa Being Built at Rinchen Jangsem Ling

Grant Offered to New Stupa Being Built at Rinchen Jangsem Ling

At the end of the Medicine Buddha retreat at Rinchen Jangsem Ling in Malaysia in April, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the kindness of several benefactors, offered a US$10,000 grant to the center for a two storey Namgyälma stupa which will ... Read more »
Tara Home’s Compassionate Care for End of Life

Tara Home’s Compassionate Care for End of Life

Tara Home, located at Land of Medicine Buddha in Soquel, California, is a home for terminally ill people entering their last few months of life. Around-the-clock compassionate care is provided by trained volunteers. Tara Home relies completely on donations to ... Read more »
Animal Liberation Fund Supports Animal-Saving Work in Bhutan

Animal Liberation Fund Supports Animal-Saving Work in Bhutan

Jangsa Animal Saving Trust (JAST), established in 2000 in Bhutan, is a non-profit charity founded on Buddhist principles of animal activism. JAST currently cares for hundreds of animals across ten provinces. Bulls, yaks, sheep, pigs, goats, ducks, dogs, and fish ... Read more »
Tibetan Settlement Community Hall in Hunsur, South India, Completed

Tibetan Settlement Community Hall in Hunsur, South India, Completed

Earlier this year we reported that a grant had been offered to Rabagayling Tibetan Settlement in South India for the building of a new community hall to be used by 2,710 refugees. Please rejoice that that construction on this building ... Read more »
Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund Invests in Future Scholars

Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund Invests in Future Scholars

Each year the foremost scholars from Sera, Ganden, Drepung, Gyume, Gyuto, Tashi Lhunpo and Rato monasteries come together for the annual Gelugpa exam and the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund covers the expenses of those who participate. “The continuity and spread ... Read more »
Supporting the Wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama through FPMT Charitable Projects

Supporting the Wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama through FPMT Charitable Projects

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and the greatest source of inspiration for the FPMT. Service to His Holiness is the primary aim of FPMT. Lama Zopa Rinpoche calls His ... Read more »
Dog Shelter in Malaysia Caring for over 1,000 Destitute Dogs

Dog Shelter in Malaysia Caring for over 1,000 Destitute Dogs

While in Malaysia recently Lama Zopa Rinpoche heard about a dog shelter, Auntie Mee Fah’s Dogs’ Shelter, which is caring for over 1,000 at-risk dogs with food and shelter. Rinpoche very much wanted to visit the shelter to bless the ... Read more »
Continual Offering of Lights to Holy Objects

Continual Offering of Lights to Holy Objects

Through the Puja Fund, Lama Zopa Rinpoche sponsors continuous light offerings to two precious statues in Mongolia and India. Electricity is sponsored for lotus light offerings to all the holy objects on the altar at Idgaa Choizinling College in Mongolia. ... Read more »
Supporting Sera Je Monastery’s Ngari Khangtsen

Supporting Sera Je Monastery’s Ngari Khangtsen

While at Sera Je Monastery recently, Lama Zopa Rinpoche was requested to help Ngari Khangtsen raise money needed to build extended accommodation for this community. Each khangtsen (hostel in Tibetan) is linked to a region in Tibet and has to ... Read more »
Translating His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Teachings into Tibetan

Translating His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Teachings into Tibetan

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has offered a grant for the translation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler’s Art of Happiness series from English into Tibetan. These translated books will be offered to the Tibetan community free of ... Read more »
Supporting Elderly Tibetan Refugees in India

Supporting Elderly Tibetan Refugees in India

Due to the kindness of a generous benefactor, FPMT has been able to invest more resources into taking care of the elderly Tibetans living in India, many of whom fled Tibet starting in 1959. In 1950 His Holiness assumed full ... Read more »
Stupas Made at Chenrezig Institute on Holy Days

Stupas Made at Chenrezig Institute on Holy Days

For many years, Chenrezig Institute in Eudlo, Australia, has hosted stupa-making sessions on the four holy days of the Tibetan calendar and the finished stupas reside in the center’s gompa. Chenrezig Institute estimates that 2,000 stupas have been created in ... Read more »