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Sera Je Monastery: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits New Classrooms

Sera Je Monastery: His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits New Classrooms

In April 2013 the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund was very happy to offer $100,000 towards the building of the new classrooms at Sera Je Monastery. The classrooms will also primarily be used to teach subjects such as science and ... Read more »
Animal Liberation Fund Saving Animals in Singapore

Animal Liberation Fund Saving Animals in Singapore

In July the Animal Liberation Fund was very happy to donate SGD$ 2500 (US$2051) toward larger animal liberations that are organized by Fred Cheong and Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore. Prayers and dedication were included for all the donors of ... Read more »
Sera Je Food Fund: Preparing Food for 30,000 in Honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Sera Je Food Fund: Preparing Food for 30,000 in Honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Sera Je Food Fund Kitchen is preparing to offer food to 30,000 visitors to the monastery in honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visit to Sera Je from July 5-12, and in celebration of his 78th birthday on ... Read more »
Merit Box Grants Awarded

Merit Box Grants Awarded

In June, $52,950 in grant awards from the 2012 International Merit Box Project offerings were disbursed to 14 FPMT centers, projects and funds for their use. From the kindness of Merit Box Practitioners chipping in their Merit Box donations from ... Read more »
Puja Fund Activities

Puja Fund Activities

The following is an extensive list of all the pujas and offerings sponsored by the FPMT Puja Fund. A description of these pujas follows below. Annual: Four Buddha Days Losar (Tibetan New Year and the 15 days of miracles) Saka ... Read more »
US$21,058 Offered to Sera Je Dhakpo Khangtsen

US$21,058 Offered to Sera Je Dhakpo Khangtsen

June 2013: Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund was very happy to offer US$21,058 to Sera Je Dhakpo Khangtsen for the building of new rooms for the monks. Dhakpo Khangtsen remains one of the poorest Khangtsens (houses) at Sera Je Monastery. ... Read more »
Puja Fund Yearly and Ongoing Activity

Puja Fund Yearly and Ongoing Activity

Since 1995 the Puja Fund has been sponsoring pujas, prayers and practices performed by as many as 9,000 Sangha, on behalf of the entire FPMT organization. Recently, Lama Zopa Rinpoche revised all of the yearly and ongoing activity that the ... Read more »
Continuation of the the Eighteen Great Lam-Rim Commentaries in 2013 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Continuation of the the Eighteen Great Lam-Rim Commentaries in 2013 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, India, 2012. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is continuing teachings and transmissions on the 18 Great Lam-Rim Commentaries at the request of His Eminence Ling Rinpoche. This year’s teaching event will take ... Read more »
Offerings to International Mahayana Institute Sangha

Offerings to International Mahayana Institute Sangha

It has always been a high priority of FPMT and Lama Zopa Rinpoche to support and care for our IMI (International Mahayana Institute) Sangha family. IMI is made up of the monks and nuns of FPMT. Lama Zopa Rinpoche personally ... Read more »
Offerings to International Mahayana Institute Sangha

Offerings to International Mahayana Institute Sangha

It has always been a high priority of FPMT and Lama Zopa Rinpoche to support and care for our IMI (International Mahayana Institute) Sangha family. IMI is made up of the monks and nuns of FPMT. On each of the ... Read more »
Sangha Offer Animal Liberations Every Week for Those Who are Sick

Sangha Offer Animal Liberations Every Week for Those Who are Sick

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is aided by Ven. Holly Ansett in circumambulating small animals around holy objects.Lama Zopa Rinpoche has requested the Sangha at his house to do the practice of animal liberation every week dedicated to anyone who is sick ... Read more »
Daily Stupas and Tsa-Tsas Made for Those who have Passed Away or are Sick

Daily Stupas and Tsa-Tsas Made for Those who have Passed Away or are Sick

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has requested the Sangha at his house to make stupas and tsa-tsas dedicated for those who have passed away and for those who are sick, every single day. Stupas Dedicated for Those Who Have Passed Away Every ... Read more »