Charitable Projects News

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Six Months of Food Offered

June 2012: FPMT was able to send US$115,000 to Sera Je Monastery. This contribution covers the next six months’ worth of meals for all 2,600 monks currently studying at Sera Je.           Thank you to all the kind benefactors who support ... Read more »

Rejoice for the Wonderful Food Fund! A Devotional Tear Dropped in the Rice Bowl

By Geshe Thubten Jinpa  Received May 2012: The sun is at its brightest at 9 a.m., but a soft breeze blows making the morning chilly. Hundreds of monks in their maroon robes begin to flow in, clutching a square cushion ... Read more »

Dried Food for Monks over Losar

February 2012: Dried food was distributed to about 2,550 of our Sera Je monks! No, not to celebrate Valentine’s Day but because our main kitchen will be closed during the coming two weeks Losar (Tibetan New Year) holidays. Each monk ... Read more »

Sera Je Food Fund’s Amazing New Bread-Making Machine

August 2011: Cherok Lama generously sponsored a new bread-making machine for the Sera Je Food Fund kitchen. This was offered on the occasion of his Rik-Chung ceremony in August of last year.  This new machine has reduced the need for ... Read more »
120 Yaks Saved in Nepal!

120 Yaks Saved in Nepal!

Animal Liberation Fund helped saved the lives of 120 yaks that were going to be killed in Nepal in 2011. December 2011: Geshe Jinpa from Kopan Monastery arranged for 120 yaks that were going to be killed to be purchased ... Read more »

Thanksgiving Turkeys Liberated!

November 2011: During Thanksgiving 25 turkeys were bought and liberated at Buddha Amitabha Pureland in Washington State.

10,000 Sangha Members Pray for Sacrifed Animals

October 2011: When Rinpoche heard how hundreds of thousands of animals in Nepal would be sacrificed during Dashain (a yearly, 15-day Hindu religious festival), Rinpoche immediately started to check what prayers and pujas should be done to help all the ... Read more »

Two Million Lives Liberated

June 2011: The Animal Liberation Fund donated US$25,000 to liberate two million lives, dedicated especially for the health and long life of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. This animal liberation was organized by Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore.

MAITRI Charitable Trust

August 2010: A US$5,000 donation was given to the MAITRI Charitable Trust in India for their amazing ongoing work to save animals from harm.
Wangya Norbu Tangwa Initiations

Wangya Norbu Tangwa Initiations

His Holiness the Sakya Trizin with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, April 2012. Photo courtesy of Sakya Drolma Phodrang. April 2012: The Preserving the Lineage Fund sponsored initiations given by His Holiness the Sakya Trizin to many high lamas including Lama Zopa ... Read more »
Ösel in the Sera Je Food Fund Kitchen

Ösel in the Sera Je Food Fund Kitchen

January 2012: Tenzin Ösel Hita visited Sera Je Monastery and made a point to check out the Sera Je Food Fund kitchen.
The Sera Je Food Fund Menu

The Sera Je Food Fund Menu

A Typical Day’s Food Offering for the Monks of Sera Je Monastery through the Sera Je Food Fund Breakfast 1-2 pieces of large bread (10-12 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick) Choice of Tibetan or Chai Tea More photos ... Read more »