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Lama Zopa Rinpoche 26 Maitreya Buddha statues

March 2012: Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered 26 Maitreya Buddha statues to FPMT centers, projects and services that wished to have one. Read more and view a photo gallery created by Mandala magazine!
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Bodhichitta

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Bodhichitta

Practicing Bodhichitta (Audio and Unedited Transcripts), Bodhichitta Motivation in Daily Life, Bodhisattva Attitude: How to Dedicate Your Life to Others, How to Live with Bodhichitta, Training the Mind in Bodhichitta, Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching on bodhichitta at Bodhgaya stupa (video), ... Read more »

Immediate Needs

August 2012: The most immediate need of the Amdo Eye Hospital is to purchase a laser surgery machine (Phacoemulsification machine). The cost for one of these machines is US$120,000. FPMT is currently fundraising in order to be able to sponsor ... Read more »

Ven. Pemba Sherpa visits Amdo Eye Hospital and Reports

August 2011: Ven. Pemba Sherpa (FPMT board member, resident teacher and co-director of Cham Tse Ling, in Hong Kong) visited the Amdo Eye Hospital to report on its progress and operations. Read the report with photos. Currently there are 24 ... Read more »

Amdo Eye Hospital Inauguration

August 2011: The inauguration of the building was in July 2010, it took a year to equip the hospital and get the necessary documents to be able to perform the surgeries and in August 2011 the hospital was officially opened ... Read more »
Padmasambhava Project for Peace Accomplishments as of July 2012

Padmasambhava Project for Peace Accomplishments as of July 2012

Padmasambhava statue for Lawudo nearly finished.US$14,000 offered to build one 11-foot (3-meter) and two life-sized statues of Padmasambhava in Lawudo, Nepal. Lawudo is the site of particular significance for FPMT as the meditation cave of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s previous incarnation, ... Read more »
Sponsor Teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on The Eighteen Great Lam-rim Commentaries in 2012!

Sponsor Teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on The Eighteen Great Lam-rim Commentaries in 2012!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche with His Holiness the Dalai Lama November 2011.July 2012: On the very auspicious occasion of the 610th Anniversary of Lama Tsongkhapa’s composition of his masterpiece Lam-rim Chen-mo (The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to ... Read more »
A Request I Couldn’t Refuse

A Request I Couldn’t Refuse

By Jane Seidlitz Lama Zopa Rinpoche called me very early one morning in 2004, and after giving me some advice on a thangka I was planning to paint, asked me how my Tibetan handwriting was.   “It’s okay, not that great,” ... Read more »
Ven. Tsering Dedicates His Life to Prajnaparamita Project

Ven. Tsering Dedicates His Life to Prajnaparamita Project

Ven. Tsering has dedicated his life to writing out the Prajnaparamita in pure gold. Effort of this magnitude is worth rejoicing in, as this is the tenth consecutive year he has worked on this project. He has tirelessly offered eight ... Read more »

Recent Disbursements

The Stupa Fund supports the making of over 1,000 small Kadampa stupas each year. These stupas are made by resident Sangha at Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s home in California and are dedicated for students who have passed away. The fund has ... Read more »

Sera Je Food Fund Videos

June 2012: We are delighted to present you with new videos which help illustrate the many benefits of this project. “A Brief Introduction to the Sera Je Food Fund” is a short introduction and overview of the project. “The Making ... Read more »

Sera Je Food Fund’s New Videos!

June 2012: We are delighted to present you with new videos which help illustrate the many benefits of this project. “A Brief Introduction to the Sera Je Food Fund” is a short introduction and overview of the project. “The Making ... Read more »