Tagged - Italian-videos

Following the commemoration activities at Kopan Monastery honoring the one-year anniversary of Lama Zopa Rinpoche showing the aspect of passing away, a Heart Sutra Retreat was held from April 15-20, 2024 with commentary by His Eminence the 104th Ganden Tripa,…

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered four teaching at Kopan Monastery on April 7, 8, and 9 before leaving for Tsum Valley on April 10. As we now all know, Rinpoche showed the aspect of passing away on April 13, and as…

Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught during the month-long lamrim meditation course at Kopan Monastery in Nepal that lasted from November 26 to December 26, 2022. Teachings are available in English (with and without transcript overlay), Italian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Audio…

While in Singapore, Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered talks and teachings upon requests from various centers and students, which you will find on this page. On July 6, Rinpoche shared some precious words in praise of His Holiness the Dalai Lama…

Besides continuing the Thought Transformation series Lama Zopa Rinpoche also occasionally gave teachings upon request to various centers via Zoom from Kopan Monastery and other places. This page gathers these random teachings for the years 2022 and 2023. Whenever Rinpoche…

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave four teachings to students attending the 2022 Vajrasattva retreat at Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Rinpoche gave an introductory teaching “Why Buddhism Is So Important” on March 30 and then three subsequent teachings on April 26–28. Kopan…

During the coronavirus pandemic, Lama Zopa Rinpoche is giving recorded video teachings on thought transformation (lojong) from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. In this video series Rinpoche urges students to use these difficult times to deepen their Dharma practice. More information…

Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught during the month-long lamrim meditation course at Kopan Monastery in Nepal from November 29 to December 11, 2019. Teachings are available in English (with and without transcript overlay) and in French. Italian is available as audio…

From October 4 – 6, 2019 Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave teachings at the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni in Elista, Kalmykia, Russia. preliminary to the “Great Chenrezig” Initiation. He continued to teach during the 100 Million Mani retreat that followed…