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An Adventurous Trip to Lawudo in Nepal

An Adventurous Trip to Lawudo in Nepal

Ven. Amy Miller, an FPMT registered teacher, has been informally leading people to Lawudo in Nepal’s Solu Khumbu District since 1990. She shares about the October 5-22, 2018, trip she led for twenty-three people from around the world. It was ... Read more »
Extensive Offerings Offered Daily in Mongolia by Dedicated Senior Volunteers

Extensive Offerings Offered Daily in Mongolia by Dedicated Senior Volunteers

Since 2000, a group of very dedicated volunteers have been offering over a thousand water bowls plus extensive offerings of flowers, incense, candles, and food daily at Ganden Do Ngag Shedrub Ling Center, Mongolia. In August, Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered ... Read more »
Clean Your Mind to Prepare for Retreat

Clean Your Mind to Prepare for Retreat

During the 2018 retreat in Australia, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave advice on how to prepare for retreat, captured in this excerpt and video clip: … I escaped [Tibet] through Bhutan to Buxa [Duar in India]. For eight years I lived ... Read more »
We Invite You To Read Our April e-News!

We Invite You To Read Our April e-News!

We hope you enjoy the April FPMT International Office e-News. This month we bring you: Highlights of Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche, How FPMT Invests in Education in Nepal, An Offer from the Foundation Store, …and more! Have the e-News ... Read more »
Ensuring a Fortunate Rebirth: the Liberation Box

Ensuring a Fortunate Rebirth: the Liberation Box

Of the thousands of items offered by the FPMT Foundation Store, the Liberation Box: Tools for a Fortunate Rebirth is one of the most unique and special. It is a collection of materials to assist students at the time of ... Read more »
Geshe Tenzin Zopa Recognized with Global Peace Leadership and Excellence Award

Geshe Tenzin Zopa Recognized with Global Peace Leadership and Excellence Award

Geshe Tenzin Zopa, an FPMT touring teacher, was awarded the Global Peace Leadership and Excellence Award by World CSR (corporate social responsibility) Day organizers on the occasion of World CSR Congress’s eighth annual celebration of World CSR Day on February ... Read more »
100 Million Mani Retreats– Part of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Vision

100 Million Mani Retreats– Part of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Vision

One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the FPMT organization is to sponsor 100 million mani retreats (100,000 recitations of 100 million OM MANI PADME HUM) around the world. Rinpoche explained, “[I would like] for the organization to establish ... Read more »
Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offered at Kopan

Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offered at Kopan

Every year, Ven. Roger Kunsang checks whether any practices need to be done to contribute to FPMT Spiritual Director Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s health and long life. This year, Khadro-la (Rangjung Neljorma Khandro Namsel Dronme) advised that a Sixteen Arhat Long ... Read more »
Advice for Merit Multiplying Days

Advice for Merit Multiplying Days

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave advice regarding merit multiplying days such as the Fifteen Days of Miracles, Saka Dawa, Chokhor Duchen, and Lhabab Duchen. The next merit multiplying day is Saka Dawa on June 17, 2019. On the day of Guru ... Read more »
Practices for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Long Life and Good Health

Practices for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Long Life and Good Health

Earlier this week His Holiness the Dalai Lama was admitted to hospital in New Delhi, India, suffering from what seems to be a chest infection. Tenzin Osel Hita, the recognized reincarnation of FPMT co-founder Lama Yeshe, sent a message to ... Read more »
Land of Medicine Buddha and Road Scholar Partner to Offer Retreats

Land of Medicine Buddha and Road Scholar Partner to Offer Retreats

Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB), an FPMT center in Soquel, California, US, partners with the nonprofit Road Scholar program to offer retreats at LMB. Founded as Elderhostel in the summer of 1975, Road Scholar began as a learning program conceived ... Read more »
Fourth Guru Bumtsog at Khachoe Ghakyil Ling, Nepal

Fourth Guru Bumtsog at Khachoe Ghakyil Ling, Nepal

For the forth year a very large thangka of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) was displayed and an auspicious 100,000 tsog offering event (Guru bumtsog) took place at Khachoe Ghakyil Ling, Nepal, also known as Kopan Nunnery. The thangka, which is 75 ... Read more »