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Maitri Charitable Trust: Dharma in Action since 1989

Maitri Charitable Trust: Dharma in Action since 1989

Since 1989, Maitri has been operating as a beneficial example of Dharma in action. Maitri is a registered charitable trust in India working to support the poor and disadvantaged in the province of Bihar, India. While Maitri was created to ... Read more »
Practicing Kindness

Practicing Kindness

Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive has just published The Path to Ultimate Happiness , a new ebook of teachings given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche during the 42nd Kopan lamrim course. In this book, Rinpoche discusses our potential to bring benefit and ... Read more »
Chanting the Names of Mañjushri

Chanting the Names of Mañjushri

Chanting the Names of Mañjushri, which is called Mañjuśrīnāmasaṃgīti in Sanskrit, is available as a PDF and in ebook formats on the FPMT.org sutra page. Over 160 verses comprise the text, which is categorized as a tantra, but can be ... Read more »
Sharing the Golden Light Sutra in Sri Lanka

Sharing the Golden Light Sutra in Sri Lanka

Ven. Tenzin Lekdron, Tara Lanka Study Group coordinator, rents a flat in Kandy, Sri Lanka, and regularly travels to Colombo to help the community. She shares an update from Sri Lanka. Three years ago, I landed back in my home ... Read more »
Coming to a Kopan Course Is the Most Important Education of Your Life

Coming to a Kopan Course Is the Most Important Education of Your Life

Every year the month-long lamrim meditation course at Kopan Monastery in Nepal draws more than two hundred students from around the world. And every year the November Course, as it’s called, fills up quickly. Many students starting planning to attend ... Read more »
The Inner Job Description App Is Now Available in Six Languages

The Inner Job Description App Is Now Available in Six Languages

The Inner Job Description App, a free app created by FPMT Inc., is now available in the Amazon, Apple, and Google Play stores in Chinese (更新了截图), English, French (Description du travail intérieur), Italian (Descrizione del Lavoro interiore), Russian (Оценка внутренней ... Read more »
How to Purify a Dog’s Karma

How to Purify a Dog’s Karma

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave the following advice to a student who had asked Rinpoche how to purify his dog’s negative karma. Regarding purification for yourself and your dog, take strong refuge in the Buddha and think that the Buddha sends ... Read more »
‘Making Offerings,’ A Living in the Path Module

‘Making Offerings,’ A Living in the Path Module

In the complimentary Living in the Path module “Making Offerings,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives inspiring explanations on how to take the essence of our precious human life by making offerings to the guru and the Three Rare Sublime Ones—the Buddha, ... Read more »
Blossoming Friendship Between Himalayan Buddhists and Buddha House

Blossoming Friendship Between Himalayan Buddhists and Buddha House

Lyndy Abram, center director of Buddha House, an FPMT center located in a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia, shares about the center’s friendship with the Himalayan Buddhist community of South Australia. Last September we received a request from the Association ... Read more »
Your Death Can Happen at Any Time

Your Death Can Happen at Any Time

During a teaching at Chenrezig Institute in June 2018, Lama Zopa Rinpoche discussed how we don’t know when our time of death will arrive. So death can happen any time. You never know. At Kopan when we were together—Lama Yeshe ... Read more »
MAITRI Charitable Trust: Service in the Land of Noble Truths

MAITRI Charitable Trust: Service in the Land of Noble Truths

Phil Hunt, coordinator of FPMT probationary project Enlightenment for the Dear Animals, shares about his visit in early 2018 to FPMT project MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya, India. Heading out at dawn through the outskirts of Bodhgaya on one of ... Read more »
A Visit to MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bihar, India

A Visit to MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bihar, India

Phil Hunt, coordinator of FPMT probationary project Enlightenment for the Dear Animals, writes about his visit in early 2018 to FPMT project MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya, India. These organizations are examples of one of FPMT’s Five Pillars of Service, ... Read more »