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Numberless Bodhisattvas Love You Very Much

Numberless Bodhisattvas Love You Very Much

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave this thank you note to a volunteer in October 2017. All your past happiness from beginningless rebirths and now your future happiness up to enlightenment is received from every sentient being. This includes every single comfort, ... Read more »
Celebrate, Praise, and Learn from His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Celebrate, Praise, and Learn from His Holiness the Dalai Lama

On July 6 the world will celebrate His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 83rd birthday. Enjoy these many resources available to help celebrate, praise, and learn from His Holiness! Long Life Prayers Prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibet ... Read more »
Celebrating the Jade Buddha at ILLUMIN8 Festival of Light and Peace

Celebrating the Jade Buddha at ILLUMIN8 Festival of Light and Peace

ILLUMIN8 is an annual event held at the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in Bendigo, Australia, celebrating peace and harmony inspired by Buddha’s life story. This year ILLUMIN8 also celebrated the return of the Jade Buddha for Universal Peace to ... Read more »
Support Offered to Elders of Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement, Kollegal, India

Support Offered to Elders of Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement, Kollegal, India

Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement, located in Kollegal, India, is the most remote and underdeveloped Tibetan settlements in southern India. The settlement consists of twenty-two villages, and an elderly home. The elderly home has a capacity for thirty-two elderly Tibetans residents. The ... Read more »
The Benefits of Cooking Delicious Food for Others Including the Guru

The Benefits of Cooking Delicious Food for Others Including the Guru

In July 2016 Lama Zopa Rinpoche sent the following advice to a cook at a Dharma center: The essence of the Mahayana teaching is to let go of the I and to cherish others who are numberless. Even by cherishing ... Read more »
We Experience the Result for Eons

We Experience the Result for Eons

A student wrote to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, asking if he should give his brother a large sum of money as requested to help a girl sold into prostitution. In his response Rinpoche advised the student to think of this payment ... Read more »
Children Study the 16 Guidelines for Life and English in Mongolia

Children Study the 16 Guidelines for Life and English in Mongolia

FPMT center Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling has begun offering children’s classes on the 16 Guidelines for Life, an initiative of the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW). These classes are taught to the children in the English language ... Read more »
Support Continues for Ngari Institute in 2018

Support Continues for Ngari Institute in 2018

Since 2014, the Social Services Fund has been supporting the school children and staff of Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India. This year, a grant for US$29,192.50 was offered to cover the costs of daily meals for eighty-three students and staff ... Read more »
Living in Vows Makes Your Life So Precious [Video]

Living in Vows Makes Your Life So Precious [Video]

In a short video clip from a teaching given at the 2016 Light of the Path retreat, Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains the benefits of living in vows. Rinpoche teaches that taking vows is so powerful that it’s mentioned that right ... Read more »
New Video: The Six Shortcomings of Samsara

New Video: The Six Shortcomings of Samsara

In this short video clip from a teaching given at the 2016 Light of the Path retreat, Lama Zopa Rinpoche urges us to liberate ourselves from samsara. Rinpoche instructs us that when our husband or wife meets somebody and has ... Read more »
We Invite You Into the June FPMT International Office e-News

We Invite You Into the June FPMT International Office e-News

We hope you will enjoy the June FPMT International Office e-News, out now! This month we bring you: Highlights of Recent Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche, The Updated FPMT Mission Statement, Sutra of Golden Light Resources, News from our Foundation ... Read more »
New Ways to Learn Khadro-la’s Long Life Prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche (Video)

New Ways to Learn Khadro-la’s Long Life Prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche (Video)

In 2016, Khadro-la (Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme) spontaneously composed a prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, which was offered during a long life puja for Rinpoche held March 13, 2016, at Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore. The English translation of ... Read more »