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Buddha House Rejoices in Following the Guru’s Advice

Buddha House Rejoices in Following the Guru’s Advice

FPMT center Buddha House, located in a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia, recently received a visit from Lama Zopa Rinpoche who blessed the center’s new home. The Buddha House community shares the story with us: During the Bodhicaryavatara (A Guide ... Read more »
Jangchub Stupa Project at Shalu Monastery, Tibetan Cholsum Settlement, India

Jangchub Stupa Project at Shalu Monastery, Tibetan Cholsum Settlement, India

Shalu Monastery was founded by Chetsun Shetsun Jugney in 1027 A.D at Shalu Village near Shigatse town in Tibet and was consecrated by Atisha. The number of the monks studying there reached 7,700 at the peak of its opulence. During ... Read more »
‘Bringing Emptiness to Life,’ A Living in the Path Module

‘Bringing Emptiness to Life,’ A Living in the Path Module

In the Living in the Path module “Bringing Emptiness to Life,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives detailed and very clear teachings on the extremely important subject of emptiness, the realization of which is necessary to achieve both liberation from samsara and ... Read more »
Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program Welcomes New Teachers and Students

Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program Welcomes New Teachers and Students

Yaron Bahir, director of FPMT project Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program in Dharamsala, India, shares his excitement about the newest cohort of Tibetan language translation students: March 16, 2018, was a special day for us in the Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo ... Read more »
Moving Long Life Puja Offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Bendigo, Australia

Moving Long Life Puja Offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Bendigo, Australia

On May 12 a moving long life puja was offered by over four hundred students to Lama Zopa Rinpoche at The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in Bendigo, Australia, following the conclusion of an incredible six-week-long retreat. During the puja, ... Read more »
Keep Your Wisdom in the Pure Path

Keep Your Wisdom in the Pure Path

In this short video clip from a teaching given at the 2016 Light of the Path retreat, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, while explaining the meaning of a Tibetan phase, discusses the importance of studying one path well in order to avoid ... Read more »
Generate Bodhichitta to Benefit Every Single Sentient Being

Generate Bodhichitta to Benefit Every Single Sentient Being

Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised a student seeking life practice advice to make the most of their life by practicing lamrim and bodhicihtta, thereby bring as much benefit as possible to all sentient beings. Practice lamrim and bodhichitta, so that everything ... Read more »
Sutra of Golden Light Resources

Sutra of Golden Light Resources

Students can find a variety of helpful resources for the Sutra of Golden Light (also known as the Golden Light Sutra) on FPMT.org. Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches that “the most beneficial thing to have peace and to stop wars is ... Read more »
Dr. Jan Willis on Making the Invisible, Visible: a Discussion on Ignorance, Race, and Bias

Dr. Jan Willis on Making the Invisible, Visible: a Discussion on Ignorance, Race, and Bias

Last Fall, Jan Willis, PhD, offered a three-week course, “Making the Invisible, Visible: The Other Side of ‘Perfect’: A Multi-media and Interactive Exploration of Race and Racism in the US,” as well as a public talk at Maitripa College in ... Read more »
Supporting the Rebuilding of a  Kagyu Nunnery in Nepal

Supporting the Rebuilding of a Kagyu Nunnery in Nepal

Shri Sengedrak Ngedhon Samten Choeling Retreat Center, a Kagyu nunnery, was badly damaged in the 2015 earthquake that devastated Nepal and surrounding areas. This nunnery, located on the border of Nepal and Tibet (on the Nepal side), is under the ... Read more »
Students Reflect on the Recent Retreat in Australia with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Students Reflect on the Recent Retreat in Australia with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Thanks to Amy Hursthouse, spiritual program coordinator at FPMT center Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre in New Zealand, and long-time student Lozang Hursthouse for interviewing retreat participants during the recent Bodhicaryavatara and Rinjung Gyatsa Retreat with Lama Zopa Rinpoche at ... Read more »
Collect Merit by Making Offerings to the Pores of Your Guru

Collect Merit by Making Offerings to the Pores of Your Guru

Lama Zopa Rinpoche answered a student’s question about why monks receive offerings before nuns during pujas, and advised that if the student makes offerings to the pores of the guru then the student will collect the same merit as having ... Read more »