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Announcing the Newly Revised FPMT Retreat Prayer Book

Announcing the Newly Revised FPMT Retreat Prayer Book

The FPMT Retreat Prayer Book was originally compiled in 2008 in preparation for the first Light of the Path Retreat and has become a critical resource for those attending longer teaching events and retreats with Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Many students ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Incense Puja at Dongkarla Lhakhang

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Incense Puja at Dongkarla Lhakhang

Towards the end of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s visit to Bhutan in June, Rinpoche went to Dongkarla Lhakhang, one of the highest holy sites in Bhutan at an elevation of 11,975 feet (3,650 meters).  The temple was built in the 15th ... Read more »
Animal Liberation Fund Supports Animal-Saving Work in Bhutan

Animal Liberation Fund Supports Animal-Saving Work in Bhutan

Jangsa Animal Saving Trust (JAST), established in 2000 in Bhutan, is a non-profit charity founded on Buddhist principles of animal activism. JAST currently cares for hundreds of animals across ten provinces. Bulls, yaks, sheep, pigs, goats, ducks, dogs, and fish ... Read more »
FPMT International Office Meets Source of Foundation Store Thangkas

FPMT International Office Meets Source of Foundation Store Thangkas

On June 2, the staff of FPMT International Office in Portland, Oregon, US, had tea with Pradip Rajbhandari, the Nepali co-owner, with Birendra Shahi and founder Surendra Bahadur Shahi, of the workshop responsible for creation of all of the hand-painted ... Read more »
Rejoice in the More Than 1.8 Million Kshitigarbha Mantras Recited to Pacify Earthquakes!

Rejoice in the More Than 1.8 Million Kshitigarbha Mantras Recited to Pacify Earthquakes!

Recently, Land of Medicine Buddha announced that 1,840,962 recitations of the Kshitigarbha long mantra had been accumulated, completing the remaining advice Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave for preventing and pacifying earthquakes in California and the rest of the world. A total ... Read more »
Please Enjoy the July FPMT International Office e-News

Please Enjoy the July FPMT International Office e-News

Welcome to the July FPMT International Office e-News! This month we bring you: An update to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Schedule, How FPMT Charitable Projects support His Holiness the Dalai Lama, What’s in the new issue of Mandala magazine!, An introduction ... Read more »
Tibetan Settlement Community Hall in Hunsur, South India, Completed

Tibetan Settlement Community Hall in Hunsur, South India, Completed

Earlier this year we reported that a grant had been offered to Rabagayling Tibetan Settlement in South India for the building of a new community hall to be used by 2,710 refugees. Please rejoice that that construction on this building ... Read more »
Lojong: Training the Mind in Virtue

Lojong: Training the Mind in Virtue

Lama Atisha (980-1054 C.E.) introduced the lojong, also known as “mind training” or “thought transformation,” tradition of Mahayana practice in Tibet. Lojong teachings are quintessential Mahayana teachings in that their aim is to eliminate both the self-cherishing attitude and self-grasping. ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Visits a Changing Bhutan

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Visits a Changing Bhutan

In June 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche spent most of his time visiting holy sites in Bhutan. Rinpoche was very taken by the country because of its unique policies and values, including the coining and promotion of the concept of Gross ... Read more »
Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund Invests in Future Scholars

Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund Invests in Future Scholars

Each year the foremost scholars from Sera, Ganden, Drepung, Gyume, Gyuto, Tashi Lhunpo and Rato monasteries come together for the annual Gelugpa exam and the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund covers the expenses of those who participate. “The continuity and spread ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Rooftop Veranda Altar

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Rooftop Veranda Altar

In May 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche made a private visit to Taiwan. Over his short stay, Rinpoche converted the rooftop veranda of Shakyamuni Center, where he was staying, into a beautiful practice space for circumambulation. A table with a large ... Read more »
The Newest Issue of Mandala Is Published!

The Newest Issue of Mandala Is Published!

The latest issue of Mandala is in the mail to Friends of FPMT supporters and others who receive the magazine through their local FPMT center. The new issue explores Universal Education, Lama Yeshe’s vision for transmitting the essence of Buddhadharma ... Read more »