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Putting Effort into Dharma Practice

Putting Effort into Dharma Practice

“People put a lot of effort into climbing Mount Everest, but it means nothing. They spend millions of dollars climbing Mount Everest just to get a reputation, just to get some dry name,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught to the students ... Read more »
Long Life Puja Offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Long Life Puja Offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche

At the conclusion of the recent retreat in Australia, inside the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, all of the participants and many others offered a beautiful and moving long life puja to Lama Zopa Rinpoche on October 23. At the ... Read more »
The Limitless Benefits of Compassion

The Limitless Benefits of Compassion

From Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s “Compassion Is of the Upmost Need”: From the Sutra Request by Lodro Gyatso: “The thought of complete enlightenment, preserving Dharma, practicing Dharma and having love and compassion for living beings: these four dharmas have infinite qualities ... Read more »
Array of Pujas and Offerings Sponsored for Lhabab Duchen

Array of Pujas and Offerings Sponsored for Lhabab Duchen

Please rejoice at the amazing array of pujas and offerings sponsored by the FPMT Puja Fund this year on Lhabab Duchen (November 13), one of the year’s holy Buddha Multiplying Days. Incredibly, over 15,650 Sangha participated in this activity. You ... Read more »
What One Gains or Loses in a Dream Is Nothing

What One Gains or Loses in a Dream Is Nothing

Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote to a young Tibetan woman, the daughter of a cousin, who was concerned about having failed her exams. Rinpoche had enrolled her in nursing school in Dharamsala and she was afraid of failing her exams again. ... Read more »
‘I Can’t Wait for Even a Second’

‘I Can’t Wait for Even a Second’

In the bush near Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery, there is a representation of a charnel ground and a meditator. Lama Zopa Rinpoche recently had a sign made to sit above the somewhat ghastly scene, which says: “I have achieved shine ... Read more »
Practices of Arya Sitatapatra (White Umbrella Deity)

Practices of Arya Sitatapatra (White Umbrella Deity)

FPMT Education Services has recently published a new collection of two Sitatapatra (also known as White Umbrella Deity) practices. Practices of Arya Sitatapatra includes, “The Supreme Accomplishment of Sitatapatra,” and “Praises and Repelling Practices of Sitatapatra.” You can download this ... Read more »
The Mind Is Like Dough

The Mind Is Like Dough

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered this advice on the nature of the mind: “The mind is like dough, which means you can make it into any shape: emotional, non-emotional, happy, not happy. “Mind is like a child, so you should become ... Read more »
The Latest from Wisdom Publications

The Latest from Wisdom Publications

“Wisdom Publications has been traveling across the globe over the past few months,” reports Wisdom’s Lydia Anderson. “In October, editors David Kittelstrom and Andy Francis attended the Tsadra Foundation’s Translation and Transmission conference​ in Colorado​; publisher Tim McNeill attended the ... Read more »
Collect Merit So Easily at the Center

Collect Merit So Easily at the Center

“The most unbelievable way to collect merit in the West is in the center, where you go to receive Dharma teachings, where there is a resident teacher from whom you take teachings and who you regard as your guru, and ... Read more »
The Main Wrong Concept

The Main Wrong Concept

“When Gelek Rinpoche was living in Delhi, he mentioned during teachings that the poor laborers working outside under the hot sun building roads or doing construction work look up through the windows of the large houses and see the air ... Read more »
Foundation Finished for Ngari Khangtsen New Prayer Hall

Foundation Finished for Ngari Khangtsen New Prayer Hall

Earlier this year we reported on a $US100,000 donation that was made by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, from the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund, toward the building of a much-needed new prayer hall at Ngari Khangtsen, at Sera Je Monastery in ... Read more »