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Wisdom Publications Welcomes Daniel Aitken

Wisdom Publications Welcomes Daniel Aitken

“We welcome Daniel Aitken into the newly created role of director of sales and marketing at Wisdom Publications,” reports manager Lydia Anderson. “As well as having previously worked in a number of marketing executive roles, Daniel also reads Sanskrit and ... Read more »
Creating Peace in the World

Creating Peace in the World

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has offered much advice on creating peace in the world. You can find much of this advice posted on the “Lama Zopa Rinpoche Advice” page on fpmt.org. Rinpoche encourages students to recite the Golden Light Sutra to ... Read more »
Updated Version of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Daily Meditation Practice

Updated Version of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Daily Meditation Practice

*12/17/2015 Update: Please note that this practice has now been revised and is entitled, The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment). An essential practice for all students, Daily Meditation by Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been updated, ... Read more »
The Very Beginning of Dharma: The Thought of Impermanence

The Very Beginning of Dharma: The Thought of Impermanence

“When you have in mind the thought that death can come today, if something suddenly happens, it is not a shock,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche instructs in his book Bodhisattva Attitude: How to Dedicate Your Life to Others. “It is not ... Read more »
O.Sel.Ling Installs 11 New Prayer Wheels

O.Sel.Ling Installs 11 New Prayer Wheels

Ven. Fabio Poza, spiritual program coordinator at O.Sel.Ling Centro de Retiros in Órgiva, Spain, sent Mandala some photos of the center’s 11 new prayer wheels, located at the main entrance. “With these 11 prayer wheels, O.Sel.Ling wants to contribute to ... Read more »
800 Meals Offered Daily to Young Monks of Sera Je School

800 Meals Offered Daily to Young Monks of Sera Je School

In addition to offering three meals a day to all 2,500 monks studying at Sera Je Monastery, the Sera Je Food Fund offers breakfast daily to 800 young monks studying at the Sera Je School. Lunch and dinner are sponsored ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Chants “Calling the Guru from Afar”

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Chants “Calling the Guru from Afar”

“Calling the Guru from Afar” begins: LA MA KHYEN Lama, think of me. LA MA KHYEN Lama, think of me. LA MA KHYEN Lama, think of me. SANG GYÄ KÜN GYI YE SHE DE CHHEN CHHÖ KUR RO CHIG The ... Read more »
Our Lives Have Been Most Fortunate

Our Lives Have Been Most Fortunate

“I would say that compared to others, our lives have been most fortunate,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche instructs in his book Bodhisattva Attitude: How to Dedicate Your Life to Others. ”First of all, many of us have heard the heart of ... Read more »
Big Successes for FPMT Taiwan

Big Successes for FPMT Taiwan

Ven. Thubten Osel, director of Jinsiu Farlin, reported on the events happening at the three centers – Heruka Center, Jinsiu Farlin and Shakyamuni Center – that comprise FPMT Taiwan: Heruka Center Buddhist Education – Satellite Program Last year, Heruka Center ... Read more »
The Purpose of Retreat Places

The Purpose of Retreat Places

“A retreat place is not for gaining power like black magic, it’s not for a honeymoon or holiday. Also it is not a place in which to be spaced out,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised in 2007. “The whole purpose of ... Read more »
Pujas Sponsored for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Safe Travel

Pujas Sponsored for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Safe Travel

In addition to the continuous pujas sponsored by the Puja Fund, pujas are also often arranged when Lama Zopa Rinpoche travels internationally in order to ensure health and safe flights and for obstacles to be removed. These pujas are often ... Read more »
Langri Tangpa Centre’s ‘Feast of Amazing Events’

Langri Tangpa Centre’s ‘Feast of Amazing Events’

“Langri Tangpa Centre near Brisbane, Australia has had a feast of amazing international teachers and events this year,” reports student Carolyn Mason. “Maybe it is the blessing of the center’s wonderful new altar put in last year, carefully following advice ... Read more »