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Light of the Path Concludes

Light of the Path Concludes

The Light of the Path concluded on Sunday, May 18, in North Carolina. If you were unable to attend, you can still watch recordings of teachings. Rinpoche offered the concluding teaching for this year’s retreat during the evening session on ... Read more »
Yeshe Norbu Association: Supporting Tibetan Refugees

Yeshe Norbu Association: Supporting Tibetan Refugees

Yeshe Norbu Association is an Italian FPMT non-profit association which supports important projects benefiting Tibetan refugees and children. One project that Yeshe Norbu has benefited immensely is the Sera Je Food Fund. Over the past ten years, Yeshe Norbu has ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Greets Mayra Rocha Sandoval

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Greets Mayra Rocha Sandoval

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues teaching at the Light of the Path, the two-week lam-rim retreat series hosted by Kadampa Center in Black Mountain, North Carolina, United States. Students attending the retreat, like Mayra Rocha Sandoval (right), have been rejoicing that ... Read more »

Trillions of Dollars for Learning about Dharma

“If it was possible, I should offer you each trillions of dollars for learning about Buddhism. This means your mind is open for real happiness, to be free from the gross suffering in the three lower realms and even not ... Read more »
Jhado Rinpoche’s Six-Session Guru Yoga Teachings

Jhado Rinpoche’s Six-Session Guru Yoga Teachings

Tushita Meditation Centre is a bustling FPMT center in Dharamsala – the seat-in-exile of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Tushita staff wrote Mandala, sharing news about a recent visit from Jhado Rinpoche, a highly-respected touring lama: We were extremely ... Read more »
Romancing a River

Romancing a River

With no food, clothes, or money, Mira Maddrell set out on pilgrimage along the sacred Narmada River in India, in November 1998. Her journey ended more than three years later in February 2001. She shared her story in Mandala March-May ... Read more »
Monthly Activities Offered by the Puja Fund

Monthly Activities Offered by the Puja Fund

The extensive range of practices and pujas that are offered in India, Nepal and around the world through the Puja Fund is astounding. As Charitable Projects Coordinator, Ven. Holly Ansett, recently commented, “It is like Rinpoche has taken on the ... Read more »
Benefiting Ants

Benefiting Ants

Lama Zopa Rinpoche works tirelessly to benefit all beings everywhere, including ants. While Rinpoche was at Buddha Amitabha Pure Land in north central Washington, US, Rinpoche spent time making offerings to ants for their benefit. Rinpoche’s practice for benefiting ants ... Read more »
Offering Three Meals Daily to 2,500 Monks

Offering Three Meals Daily to 2,500 Monks

Every day, the Sera Je Food Fund offers three vegetarian meals to all of the monks studying at Sera Je Monastery (with an additional 800 monks from the Sera Je School joining for breakfast). The fund currently offers 8,300 meals ... Read more »
Latest Update on Light of the Path Webcasts

Latest Update on Light of the Path Webcasts

The Media Team for the Light of the Path retreat has been doing tireless work on the ground in North Carolina, making the best of some challenging technical issues and streaming Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings live over the internet. For ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Light of the Path Retreat and Webcast Update

Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Light of the Path Retreat and Webcast Update

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues teaching at Light of the Path in North Carolina, US. Rinpoche’s teachings at the two-week retreat are being webcast live in English and Spanish. Due to technical issues, the webcast in French will be on a ... Read more »
Nolsang Incense Ritual Now Available!

Nolsang Incense Ritual Now Available!

FPMT Education Services is delighted to make available an important incense offering ritual (nolsang) which is a translation of Padmasambhava’s The Divine Blue Water Clearing Away Contamination. This practice has been made available at the request of Lama Zopa Rinpoche ... Read more »