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Padmasambhava Statues Completed for Lawudo Gompa, Nepal

Padmasambhava Statues Completed for Lawudo Gompa, Nepal

In 2011 the Padmasambhava Project for Peace offered US$14,000 toward the creation of three Padmasambhava statues at Lawudo Retreat Center, Nepal. Lawudo is an incredibly special location for FPMT. The cave of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s previous incarnation, known as the ... Read more »
The Purpose of Living is to Benefit Others

The Purpose of Living is to Benefit Others

From Ven. Roger Kunsang: Kachoe Dechen Ling, Aptos, California, October 31, 2013 — Sunday, October 13, 5 p.m., Rinpoche is giving the Amitabha long life initiation in San Jose at Gyalwa Gyatso Buddhist Center. Good timing as usually initiations with ... Read more »
Benefit for Receivers and Donors

Benefit for Receivers and Donors

“Lama Zopa: when I am requesting someone to help a Dharma project, I am not only aiming to benefit the receivers but also the donors as well.” – From Ven. Roger Kunsang’s Twitter page, posted on October 13, 2013 Ven. ... Read more »
Lam-rim Quote of the Day

Lam-rim Quote of the Day

Organizers of the Jangchup Lamrim teaching series with His Holiness the Dalai Lama have been offering daily lam-rim quotes drawn from their critical editions of the 18 Jangchup Lamrim commentaries. For October 30: At the time of death everything but ... Read more »
Rinpoche on the Time of Death

Rinpoche on the Time of Death

Lama Zopa: very important to write down what you want to practice at the time of your death. Otherwise death comes and u freak out! Lama Zopa: what makes death very difficult – worldly concern … 8 worldly dharmas … ... Read more »
Tenzin Ösel Hita’s Concern for Planet Earth

Tenzin Ösel Hita’s Concern for Planet Earth

Occasionally Ösel shares his thoughts and experiences on his Facebook page. In this update, he pleads with us to shift our minds from oriented toward gaining wealth, self enjoyment and power, toward taking care of the earth and its inhabitants. ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Helps Fund Panchen Otrul Rinpoche’s Charitable Work in Mongolia

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Helps Fund Panchen Otrul Rinpoche’s Charitable Work in Mongolia

Lama Zopa Rinpoche met Panchen Otrul Rinpoche during his recent visit to Mongolia and was very inspired by the many charitable projects Panchen Otrul Rinpoche has initiated. These projects benefit hundreds of people now suffering as a result of the ... Read more »
Jetsün Pema Visits Nalanda Monastery

Jetsün Pema Visits Nalanda Monastery

Jetsün Pema, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s sister, recently visited Nalanda Monastery. Jetsün Pema was welcomed by the resident Sangha and lay community on a sunny autumn Sunday in October. A large outdoor lunch was organized in Nalanda’s garden in ... Read more »
Blessing Sentient Beings in the Ocean

Blessing Sentient Beings in the Ocean

When Lama Zopa Rinpoche stays at Kachoe Dechen Ling, his home in Aptos, California, Rinpoche regularly goes to the ocean to do prayers and practices to benefit the ocean and all sentient beings living in it. Rinpoche and Sangha take ... Read more »
How to Let Go

How to Let Go

Lama Thubten Yeshe gave this talk on how to integrate emptiness with everyday life at Vajra Yogini Institute, France, September 5, 1983. What is emptiness? Emptiness (shunyata) is the reality of the existence of ourselves and all the phenomena around ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Meets Early Student on Street

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Meets Early Student on Street

How far are we ever from our guru? Lama Zopa Rinpoche by chance met Robbie Solick, an early student of Lama Yeshe and Rinpoche, while out on the street in Santa Cruz. Rinpoche’s assistant Ven. Roger Kunsang said that Robbie took the Vajrasattva initiation in 1972, the first time Lama Yeshe gave it. Learn more about FPMT spiritual director Lama ... Read more »
Funds Raised to Offer 750,000 Meals through the Sera Je Food Fund!

Funds Raised to Offer 750,000 Meals through the Sera Je Food Fund!

Tremendous thanks to everyone who participated in the recent Sera Je Food Fund Campaign! Please Rejoice! Due to the kindness and generosity of many, we raised just over a quarter of the food fund’s annual budget. That’s more than 750,000 ... Read more »