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Practicing Real Dharma

Practicing Real Dharma

“What a profound impact your book How to Practice Dharma: Teachings on the Eight Worldly Dharmas had on my mind,” a student writes FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Rinpoche replies: Skies of thanks for discovering Dharma and trying to ... Read more »

‘What makes you so peaceful?’

New from Mandala July-September 2013, Sarah Shifferd offers another installment of “Buddhist in the Trenches.” She writes: Spring, 2008. Portland, Oregon. The sidewalk outside Fred Meyer. A young man shouts through a crowd of people getting off a bus. “Hey! ... Read more »
Listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama Discuss the Mind

Listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama Discuss the Mind

As part of Mandala‘s July-September 2013 online edition, you can listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama discussing the nature of the mind in five 15-minute audio segments. In concise fashion, His Holiness covers why we should study the mind, ... Read more »
Kadampa Center Completes Their New Stupa

Kadampa Center Completes Their New Stupa

Kadampa Center has completed their stupa building project. The large and active center in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S., committed to building a Kadampa Stupa in 2002. They spent nine years accumulating funds and began building in 2011. Construction took 29 ... Read more »
Meet Chokyi Gyaltsen Center’s Geshe Deyang

Meet Chokyi Gyaltsen Center’s Geshe Deyang

In a new video, made at the request of Mandala and the students of Chokyi Gyaltsen Center, Geshe Deyang – resident geshe for Chokyi Gyaltsen Center, the FPMT center in Penang, Malaysia – talks about his background and education. You ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Teachings and Advice at Tushita Meditation Centre

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Teachings and Advice at Tushita Meditation Centre

Ven. Sarah Thresher shared this report from Tushita Meditation Centre in Dharamsala, India: On June 14, FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche invited Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme [Khadro-la] to attend the picnic at the end of a dual course ... Read more »
Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche: ‘We Cannot Live without Harming Others’

Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche: ‘We Cannot Live without Harming Others’

Over the years, Mandala has explored the issue of vegetarianism and the question of whether or not to eat meat. But with a growing awareness of issues of animal cruelty and environmental concerns connected to the production of dairy products ... Read more »

Tendil Nyersel prayer flags available to order

The prayer flags (one of of the Long Life practices requested for Lama Zopa Rinpoche – for full details see the post dated April 24) are now ready. The prayer flags are available in strings of 25 flags,(about 8 meter ... Read more »
New Photo Gallery: Lama Zopa Rinpoche Tours Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong

New Photo Gallery: Lama Zopa Rinpoche Tours Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong

Mandala’s new issue features FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s tour of FPMT centers in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong during February-March 2013. For our online edition, we’ve collected some of our favorite photos from the tour, which you ... Read more »
New Online Edition of Mandala LIVE

New Online Edition of Mandala LIVE

The new print issue of Mandala is in the mail and our new online edition is live! Here are some highlights from this issue’s online content: New photos of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s travels, including to Maitripa College’s Dalai ... Read more »

‘Your Dog Smells’

By Ven. Chönyi Taylor “Your dog smells,” says my granddaughter. “He smells even after you wash him.” “Well, that’s true, but you smell too.” “No, I don’t.” “Of course you do. Everyone has their own smell.” “Well, my smell is ... Read more »
The Sounds of Silence, a personal story from Steven J. Moss

The Sounds of Silence, a personal story from Steven J. Moss

From Mandala June-August 2002, San Francisco writer Steven Moss shares the story of how silence can sometimes allow for long-overdue communication: “I haven’t spoken to her in twenty-two years, and I don’t intend to start now,” my mother proclaimed, scrubbing ... Read more »