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‘The Benefits of Wearing Robes,’ a conversation with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

‘The Benefits of Wearing Robes,’ a conversation with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Taken from a conversation with Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the benefits of wearing one’s monastic robes in public: “If you were sangha but you didn’t wear robes, then people would not know [that you were ordained], but with robes on ... Read more »

Dreaming in the Food Court

From Ven. Roger Kunsang: Taiwan–March 2, 2013 We stopped for dinner, at a food court on the drive to Kaoshung. (We were driving from Taipei in the north to Kaoshung in the south of Taiwan. We got off to a ... Read more »
‘Virtual’ Sutra Recitation Around the World

‘Virtual’ Sutra Recitation Around the World

FPMT News Around the World “Although a bit belatedly, it’s the time of year to happily reflect on what our international sutra reading group accomplished ‘virtually’ in 2012,” Doc O’Connor Nemoto, director of Do Ngak Sung Juk Centre in Tokyo, ... Read more »
First Basic Program Graduation Ceremony at Nalanda!

First Basic Program Graduation Ceremony at Nalanda!

On February 15 Nalanda Monastery, France, officially completed its first five year residential Basic Program (BP) with a graduation ceremony. Geshe Jamphel, BP teacher and abbot, handed out BP completion certificates to the graduates (two of them were not there), ... Read more »
Mandala Magazine in Taiwan

Mandala Magazine in Taiwan

FPMT News Around the World FPMT Taiwan published what may be the first-ever version of Mandala magazine in Mandarin and presented a copy to FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche during his recent visit. According to Ven. Roger Kunsang, Rinpoche’s ... Read more »
Offering towards Tashi Lhunpo Health Care Center

Offering towards Tashi Lhunpo Health Care Center

The Tashi Lhunpo Health Care CenterFebruary 2013: The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund and the Tibetan Health Services Fund donated US$5,677 (300,000 irs) towards the Tashi Lhunpo Health Care Center. The Tashi Lhunpo Health Care Center is extremely important in ... Read more »
A New Roof for Kopan Hostel in Sera Je Monastery

A New Roof for Kopan Hostel in Sera Je Monastery

The roof of Kopan Hostel being repaired. February 2012: The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund donated US$22,709 toward a much needed new roof for Kopan Hostel under Tsawa Khangtsen at Sera Je Monastery, India. Kopan Hostel is where all the ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Videos from Jinsui Farlin, Taiwan

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Videos from Jinsui Farlin, Taiwan

FPMT News Around the World You can watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s recent teachings from Jinsui Farlain in Taiwan on the fpmt.org livestream page. Several videos are available of Rinpoche teaching, including a Shakyamuni Buddha 1,000 Offerings puja and a Chenrezig ... Read more »
Live Webcast of Lama Zopa Rinpoche from Taiwan

Live Webcast of Lama Zopa Rinpoche from Taiwan

FPMT Around the World On Saturday, February 23, Lama Zopa Rinpoche will be broadcast live over the internet from Jinsui Farlin in Taipai, Taiwan, giving a motivational teaching before bestowing the Chenrezig jenang. The live webcast is scheduled to begin ... Read more »
Join Lama Zopa Rinpoche for 100 Million Mani Retreat

Join Lama Zopa Rinpoche for 100 Million Mani Retreat

FPMT News Around the World The once-in-a-lifetime 100 Million Mani Retreat under the guidance of Lama Zopa Rinpoche is confirmed for August 2013 in Mongolia. This is the first big retreat led by Rinpoche since he manifested a stroke in ... Read more »

Gyalwa Gyatso Long Sadhana eBook

We are pleased to present those students with the highest yoga tantra empowerment of Gyalwa Gyatso this wonderful revised 52-page long sadhana for daily practice and retreat by Kalsang Gyatso, the Seventh Dalai Lama. Available through the FPMT Foundation Store, ... Read more »
Thupten Jinpa on the Term “Meditation”

Thupten Jinpa on the Term “Meditation”

“Etymologically, the Sanskrit term [for meditation] connotes the notion of ‘cultivation,’ while its Tibetan equivalent gom carries the idea of developing ‘familiarity,’ together implying the idea of some kind of repetitive process of cultivating a familiarity, whether it is with ... Read more »