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Creating the Work You Love

“Creating the Work You Love.” By Ernie Spears. From Mandala, March 2003.

Postcard from Robina: Soquel, Santa Fe, Portland and Seattle

The latest Postcard from Ven. Robina is released. Covering teachings and travels in the USA from Soquel to Santa Fe to Portland and Seattle. This post includes a photo of Ven. Robina, former editor of Mandala, with managing editor Laura ... Read more »

Intimate Reflections of Lama Yeshe

Mandala celebrate’s this Losar with a collection of intimate reflections about FPMT’s most precious founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe, who passed away 28 years ago on Losar. Much of this content was generously offered by Adele Hulse who is writing Lama ... Read more »

Confidence to Change the World

“Confidence to Change the World” by Lorne Ladner with Lama Zopa Rinpoche. From Mandala, January-March 2010.

Bodhicitta: the Perfection of Dharma

The last group of teachings Lama Yeshe were at the end of the 1983 Kopan meditation course on December 9th and 10th. They covered refuge, the five lay precepts and bodhicitta. This teaching extracts from the teaching on bodhicitta. From ... Read more »

The Compassion and Vastness of the Minds of the Lamas

“The Compassion and Vastness of the Minds of the Lamas” from Mandala, May 1998. In 1998 Richard Gere talked to Mandala about meeting Ribur Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche and participating in pilgrimage in India.

Intimacy, Love, and Attachment

“Let’s look first at romantic love. Romantic love is addictive. The first flush of excitement, the stranger across the crowded room, the hope that at last all our suffering will be gone throws us into an endorphin high. We are ... Read more »

Remarkable Meetings with Lama Yeshe: Encounters with a Tibetan Mystic

“Remarkable Meetings with Lama Yeshe: Encounters with a Tibetan Mysitc” is a truly moving account of meetings with Lama Yeshe by Glenn Mullin. “The lama sat there chanting, seemingly oblivious to the danger we were in. I wanted to jump ... Read more »

Buddhism in Action: The Attitude Behind Social Service

Many Buddhists are heavily involved in social action. Mandala asked LAMA ZOPA RINPOCHE why this is so, when other students devote prayers and practice, sometimes through lengthy retreats, to the solitary task of alleviating suffering. In his response, Rinpoche redefines ... Read more »

How to Meditate

“How to Meditate” by Lama Yeshe. Previously published in Mandala January-March 2010 and excerpted from the fourth chapter, “How to Meditate,” from Freedom Through Understanding, a book by Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive offered freely to the public.

A Longing to Change

“Longing for Change” an interview with Ven. René Feusi. Ven. René talked to Ven. Robina Courtin at Kopan Monastery in Nepal in 1996 about his two-and-a half year retreat at Osel Ling in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Spain.

Dying is Better than this Flower

“Dying is Better than this Flower,” by Lama Yeshe. From Lama Yeshe’s last teaching given in the West, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1983. Excerpted from Life, Death and After Death, edited by Nicholas Ribush and published by the Lama Yeshe Wisdom ... Read more »