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Wangya Norbu Tangwa Initiations
His Holiness the Sakya Trizin with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, April 2012. Photo courtesy of Sakya Drolma Phodrang. April 2012: The Preserving the Lineage Fund sponsored initiations given by His Holiness the Sakya Trizin to many high lamas including Lama Zopa ... Read more »Geshe Potowa of the 21st Century
This account of a day with Lama Zopa Rinpoche comes from Ven. Thubten Jinpa, Kopan Lama Gyupa, who has often served as Rinpoche’s second attendant and was with him recently in Dharamsala, India. Incredibly inspiring! From Mandala July-September 2009.
Preserving the Lineage
FPMT News Around the World During April, FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche, along with Dhakpa Rinpoche and Dagri Rinpoche, were in Dehradun, India, receiving initiations from His Holiness the Sakya Trizin. Many others from the Sakya tradition, including Sangha ... Read more »Liberating Horses on Saka Dawa
Ven. Gyalten Wangmo describes Dorje Chang Institute’s organized effort to gather enough sponsors to save 60 Kaimanawa wild horses from being slaughtered in New Zealand in celebration of Saka Dawa. From Mandala October-December 2009.Lama Zopa Rinpoche Chants “Calling the Guru from Afar” on Mandala eZine
Did you know that Mandala offers hours of video and audio content freely through the FPMT Mandala eZine? The “Archive” tab at left will take you to all 13 issues. Happy exploring! Mandala recommends the content in the August 2010 ... Read more »
Maitreya Statues Around the World
FPMT News Around the World Lama Zopa Rinpoche, spiritual director of FPMT, offered 26 life-size statues of Maitreya Buddha to FPMT centers, services and projects. In just one month, many centers have already received their Maitreya statue. Mandala is celebrating ... Read more »A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness, an interview with Lama Yeshe
“A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness,” an interview with Lama Yeshe. Excerpted from Make Your Mind an Ocean, published by Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (LYWA). From Mandala May-June 1999.
Drawing the Face of the Buddha
FPMT News Around the World Have you ever wanted to improve your visualization practice? Instead of struggling to retrieve a fuzzy image, have you wished for Buddha’s face to pop clearly into mind as soon as you closed your eyes? ... Read more »Working with Mentally Unstable People at the Dharma Center
Miffi Maximillion of Langri Tangpa Centre in Brisbane, Australia – “I’ve had one foot in the nether world of boarding houses and the street for years” – makes some down-to-earth recommendations for dealing with mentally unstable people who come to ... Read more »
Maitreya Comes to Thubten Shedrup Ling
FPMT News Around the World In March, FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered to sponsor life-size Maitreya statues at any FPMT center, service or project that wished to have one. Thubten Shedrup Ling (TSL) in Victoria, Australia, accepted the ... Read more »Remarkable Meetings with Lama Yeshe: Encounters with a Tibetan Mystic
Glenn H. Mullin describes meeting Lama Yeshe in what was for Mullin a truly mystical encounter. From September-October 1995.