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April 28 2011

Dear Friends, This morning was an early start for Rinpoche. The physiotherapist came to his room at 9 a.m. sharp and began Rinpoche’s training, helping him to understand how he can get out of bed by himself and into a ... Read more »

April 27 2011

Dear Friends, Today was the first day we could have access to key medical staff due to the Easter holidays. The doctors have said no visitors for sometime as Rinpoche is exhausted and with the physio it is going to ... Read more »

Practices For Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Health and Long Life

Practices Requested on April 24 2013 The full list of pujas and practices to do and which are being done: Animal Liberation – do as much as possible, either yourselves or by donating online to Amitabha Buddhist Center, who does ... Read more »

April 24 2011

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is in hospital in Australia receiving treatment for a stroke. All FPMT centers, projects, services and study groups are requested to offer Medicine Buddha puja with strong prayers for Rinpoche’s health and long life. All students are ... Read more »

Rinpoche’s Health- Updates and Practices

Dear Friends, fpmt.org has now been set up with a page which will house all official updates regarding Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s health. Please subscribe to the RSS feed of this page so you don’t miss any news. https://fpmt.org/teachers/zopa/rinpoches-health-updates-and-practices.html http://feeds.feedburner.com/RinpochesHealth-UpdatesAndPractices With ... Read more »

April 23 2011

Previous Updates from Ven Roger Kunsang: Dear Friends, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been admitted to hospital, the medical staff have confirmed that Rinpoche has had a stroke and temporally lost some of the movement of his right side and his ... Read more »

April 22 2011

Dear Friends, Yesterday I received some important advice from Khadro la that we need to do Medicine Buddha puja and recite the mantra of one of the Long Life deities such as White Tara and Amitayus for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s ... Read more »

In the Aussie Bush

Victoria, Australia — April 2, 2011 From Ven. Roger: We are on the road in Australia, 45 minutes from arriving at Atisha Centre. When we arrive we will go straight to the gompa which is the first floor of the ... Read more »

Puja at Sera Je Monastery for Lama Zopa Rinpoche

This Grand Hayagriva Puja was dedicated to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s quick recovery by all of the Sera Je Monastery monks in April 2011.
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