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Worms, Worms and More Worms

Aptos, California, USA — March 16, 2011 From Ven. Roger: It’s Wednesday March 16. Yesterday was the Tibetan 10th, so a tsog day. Rinpoche did Vajrayogini self-initiation at Land of Medicine Buddha in California. The self-initiation started at about 4 ... Read more »

Advice Regarding Shugden (Dolgyal)

Collection of Advice Regarding Shugden (Dolgyal) Recueil de recommandations à propos de Shougdèn (Dholgyal) Ratschläge bezüglich Schugden Una Serie de Consejos Referentes a Shugden

REJOICE! for Enrique Flames De Tienda!

In the April-June 2011 issue of Mandala, Enrique Flames De Tienda, a Spanish FPMT student, reflected on what he had gained and given up following ten days of introspection in “No More Games!” This short account of personal transformation is ... Read more »

My Tomatoes Have Not Ripened

By Ven. Chönyi Taylor My tomatoes have not ripened and it is nearly the end of summer. I awoke this morning to a howling wind, rain and thinking that once again the washing will not dry easily. It was so ... Read more »
Advice on ‘Extensive Dispelling of Hindrances’ and Lama Chöpa Jorchö

Advice on ‘Extensive Dispelling of Hindrances’ and Lama Chöpa Jorchö

The following advice was given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in March 2011 at Land of Medicine Buddha, California, USA: In the prayers before teachings, it is important to always include the powerful prayer to dispel obstacles for the center, which ... Read more »
Message from Osel Hita February 27, 2012

Message from Osel Hita February 27, 2012

Occasionally Osel Hita shares his thoughts and experiences on his Facebook page. In this update, he discusses the concept of time and how to make life meaningful. Time is a concept, but it exists just like the light which is ... Read more »

A Cockroach in Bangalore

Bangalore, India — February 2, 2011 From Ven. Roger: Rinpoche jumped up from his chair suddenly and ran to the center of the restaurant, went on to his knees and quickly tried to protect the cockroach from the waiter about ... Read more »

Getting to the Airport On Time

India — January 31, 2011 From Ven. Roger Kunsang: It’s time to leave for the airport. Everything is ready and we are on time. Suddenly, someone turns up sick, they need a puja done … Rinpoche says he will do ... Read more »
Rinpoche in Varanasi and Sarnath

Rinpoche in Varanasi and Sarnath

Varanasi, India — January 22, 2011 From Ven. Roger Kunsang: 6,000 nuns and monks attended His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings and each day the number seemed to increase. Of course there were many, many lay people as well. After ... Read more »

A Puppy and A Buffalo

Varanasi, India — January 12, 2011 From Ven. Roger Kunsang: It’s the first day of His Holiness’ teachings in Sarnath. We are staying in Varanasi, so it’s a 45-minute drive if we are lucky and there is no traffic. We ... Read more »