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Unashamedly Beautiful Housing for Melbourne’s Elderly Homeless

In 1999, Bryan Lipmann, CEO of Wintringham, a not-for-profit welfare company in Melbourne, Australia, celebrated its tenth year of providing the elderly homeless with affordable housing and high quality care services. “Unashamedly Beautiful Housing for Mebourne’s Elderly Homeless” is an ... Read more »

How to Benefit the Dying and the Dead

Lama Zopa Rinpoche always encourages everyone to prepare for the time of death. He also remarks that all his students should be prepared to help others coming to the end of their life by educating themselves on how to benefit ... Read more »

He Is My Guru and I Am Going with Him

Ven. Lobsang Yeshe, Michael Cassapidis, has been a Buddhist monk most of his life, first at Kopan in Nepal, and then at Sera in south India where he was one of the attendants of Lama Tenzin Osel, the reincarnation of ... Read more »

May 3 2011

Dear Friends, The weekend has been quiet, tomorrow  morning Rinpoche will have his first therapy session in the whirl pool. Doctors say Rinpoche’s progress is very good with his right leg. The right arm has still little movement … they ... Read more »

My Heart Jewel Spiritual Brother

Just before his death in 1984, FPMT’s founder, Lama Yeshe, wrote a letter to Geshe Jampa Wangdu, one of Lama Yeshe’s closest friends. From Mandala October 1989.

Avoid Negative Rejoicing

Following the September 11, 2001 tragedies, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave the following advice entitled Avoid Negative Rejoicing, regarding how to think about any retaliative efforts against the organizers of the attacks.

Videos of Rinpoche – April 30 2011

New short videos of Rinpoche in the hospital a few days after stroke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9mX1wprIFw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baixwZYmpRw
Photo of Rinpoche – April 30 2011

Photo of Rinpoche – April 30 2011

Lama Zopa Rinpoche in hospital, with great difficulty putting hands in mudra of prostration during extensive offering practice. Photograph by Holly Ansett


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REJOICE! for Ven. Charles Trebaol, the Hermit of the Pyrenees!

At the time this article was published in 1998, Charles Trebaol (Ven. Thubten Kunga) had spent the last four years of his life in retreat. Although it has been 13 years since “The Hermit of the Pyrenees” was written, we’re ... Read more »

How Kids Transform their Minds from Cloudy to Clear

Taken from Jonathan Landaw’s regular column, The Passing Scene, “How Kids Transform their Minds from Cloudy to Clear” shows how fairly dense Buddhist topics can be approached from different angles more appropriate for the very young.

Ongoing List of Some of the Pujas Done

Ongoing list of pujas and practices dedicated to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s health and long life. Please click here. His Holiness the Private Office sent a message to Sera Je requesting: Extensive Hayagriva Tsog Kong for 2 days – all the ... Read more »