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Take a Look! Charity to Ants

Take a Look! Charity to Ants

How to Make Charity to Ants was compiled by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and is inspired by a text written by Ngulchu Dharmabhadra, a well-known yogi and lineage lama. Using food, visualization, blessed substances, and mantras, students can free ants from ... Read more »
Centre de Méditation Naropa Benefitted from Ven. Chantal Tenzin Dekyi’s Visit to Tahiti

Centre de Méditation Naropa Benefitted from Ven. Chantal Tenzin Dekyi’s Visit to Tahiti

Students from Centre de Méditation Naropa (Naropa Meditation Center), the FPMT center in Papeete on the island of Tahiti, French Polynesia, hosted French nun and FPMT registered teacher Ven. Chantal Tenzin Dekyi (Chantal Carrerot) from March 13-27, 2019. Annie Green, ... Read more »
Supporting Elderly Tibetans through the Social Services Fund

Supporting Elderly Tibetans through the Social Services Fund

In recent years, due to the kindness of benefactors, the FPMT Social Services Fund has been able to offer support to elderly homes in India caring for Tibetans of advanced age who have no access to other means of support. ... Read more »
Beautiful Posters to Support Dharma Practice

Beautiful Posters to Support Dharma Practice

The FPMT Foundation Store offers several beautiful full-color posters of meditation and practice deities. The following large-format, printed posters are currently available for order: Shakyamuni Buddha , Four-Armed Chenrezig, Thousand-Armed Chenrezig, Nyung Nä Merit Field, White Tara, Thirty-Five Confession Buddhas, ... Read more »
Shantideva Center Benefits from Ven. Amy Miller’s Guidance

Shantideva Center Benefits from Ven. Amy Miller’s Guidance

Shantideva Center, an FPMT center in Brooklyn, New York, US, celebrated Losar with FPMT registered teacher Ven. Amy Miller. Board member Jennifer Kim shares the story of the center’s ongoing connection with Ven. Amy Miller. The students at Shantideva Center ... Read more »
Maitreya Instituut’s Interfaith Retreat Creates a Community Experience Focused on Compassion

Maitreya Instituut’s Interfaith Retreat Creates a Community Experience Focused on Compassion

Maitreya Instituut in the Netherlands hosted an interfaith dialogue that transcended the usual exchange of words. Buddhist and Sufi students came together to learn about each other’s traditions and to practice during a four-day retreat focused on compassion. Interfaith activities ... Read more »
Namche Stupa and Mani Park Completed in Namche Bazaar, Nepal

Namche Stupa and Mani Park Completed in Namche Bazaar, Nepal

In 2016, the Holy Objects Fund offered a substantial grant to the Namche Stupa and Mani Park, a project in Namche Bazaar, Nepal, located in the Sagarmatha National Park and Buffer Zone (SNPBZ). The grant was used for five prayer ... Read more »
Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Regard to Guru Devotion

Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Regard to Guru Devotion

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered this advice on the practice of guru devotion: Take Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, for example: even after he became a buddha, still some people saw him as having mistakes. Also, Asanga saw a wounded dog and not ... Read more »
Recommended Practices for the Fifteenth Day of Saka Dawa, June 17

Recommended Practices for the Fifteenth Day of Saka Dawa, June 17

An auspicious merit multiplying day, the full moon of the month of Saka Dawa, is coming up on June 17. The fifteenth day of Saka Dawa is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar, commemorating Shakyamuni ... Read more »
Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program Provides In-Depth Study Opportunities

Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program Provides In-Depth Study Opportunities

Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program, an FPMT project in Dharamsala, India, welcomed their newest cohort of students in March 2018. Six months later the students and teachers had the opportunity to meet with Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Dharamsala. Yaron Bahir, ... Read more »
Grant Offered to the 2018 Gelug Examination and Main Teachers of the Lama Tsongkhapa Tradition

Grant Offered to the 2018 Gelug Examination and Main Teachers of the Lama Tsongkhapa Tradition

Every year the best scholars from the main Gelug monasteries come together for the annual Gelug Examination. This year, which is an annual custom, the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund offered US$20,955 for daily food, travel expenses, and for teacher stipends ... Read more »
Retreat at Institut Vajra Yogini with Lama Zopa Rinpoche Brings FPMT ‘Family’ Together

Retreat at Institut Vajra Yogini with Lama Zopa Rinpoche Brings FPMT ‘Family’ Together

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is currently in the middle of teaching at the five-week Vajrayogini Retreat at Institut Vajra Vogini in the south of France. FPMT students from around the world—many of them students of Rinpoche for more than thirty years—are ... Read more »