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Shalu Monastery Update During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Shalu Monastery Update During the COVID-19 Pandemic

For three years, the Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund has offered support to Shalu Monastery, located in Tibetan Cholsum Settlement in the District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, India, to cover the costs of food for the monks who study there. The monastery ... Read more »
Preventative and Ongoing Measures at Doeguling Home for the Elderly and Disabled

Preventative and Ongoing Measures at Doeguling Home for the Elderly and Disabled

Doeguling Home for the Elderly and Disabled is located in the Doeguling Tibetan Refugee Settlement in Mundgod, India, and is offering care for 103 elderly residents. The Social Services Fund has supported this elderly age home since 2016. In 2020 ... Read more »
Blessings and Rejoicing, Amazing Offering to Holy Statues in Tibet on Saka Dawa

Blessings and Rejoicing, Amazing Offering to Holy Statues in Tibet on Saka Dawa

Please join us in rejoicing in a most precious offering that occurred on Saka Dawa (June 5, 2020): Gold was offered to two statues in Tibet! The offering was made on behalf of the entire FPMT organization—including all students; volunteers; ... Read more »
Prayers for the World Multiplying 100 Million Times on Saka Dawa

Prayers for the World Multiplying 100 Million Times on Saka Dawa

Saka Dawa falls on June 5 this year and is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar commemorating Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment and parinirvana. June 5 is also an eclipse day this year. The Puja Fund is ... Read more »
COVID-19 Impacts Elderly Homes Supported by FPMT Social Service Fund: Jampaling Elder’s Home, India

COVID-19 Impacts Elderly Homes Supported by FPMT Social Service Fund: Jampaling Elder’s Home, India

Since 2016, the FPMT Social Service Fund has been supporting Jampaling Elder’s Home, situated in Dharamsala, India. This home was built to accommodate elders who are sixty and older and particularly vulnerable with no family to look after them as ... Read more »
COVID-19 Impacts Schools Supported by FPMT Social Service Fund: Sagarmatha Secondary School, Nepal

COVID-19 Impacts Schools Supported by FPMT Social Service Fund: Sagarmatha Secondary School, Nepal

Since 2015, the Social Services Fund has been offering support to Sagarmatha Secondary School in Chailsa, Nepal. The school stands on what was once a Tibetan refugee camp. Under normal conditions, 170 students receive education there including 79 young lay ... Read more »
COVID-19 Impacts Social Services Offered within FPMT: Lamp of the Path NGO, Mongolia

COVID-19 Impacts Social Services Offered within FPMT: Lamp of the Path NGO, Mongolia

As COVID-19 continues to impact individuals and communities, beneficiaries of charitable services aren’t as able to access the aid they are accustomed to relying on. Here we share an update on how Lamp of the Path NGO, Mongolia, is managing ... Read more »
COVID-19 Impacts Social Services Offered within FPMT: MAITRI Charitable Trust

COVID-19 Impacts Social Services Offered within FPMT: MAITRI Charitable Trust

As COVID-19 continues to impact individuals and communities, beneficiaries of charitable services aren’t as able to access the aid they are accustomed to relying on. Here we share an update on how MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya, India, is managing ... Read more »
Prayers and Practices for the Benefit of All

Prayers and Practices for the Benefit of All

Recently Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised on particular pujas for those suffering due to the coronavirus. According to Rinpoche’s advice: a wrathful fire puja was offered by Jhado Rinpoche in South India at Sera Je Monastery, Hayagriva tsog kong was offered ... Read more »
Continual Butter Lamps Sponsored at Thubten Chöling and Guru Rinpoche Statue in Chailsa, Nepal

Continual Butter Lamps Sponsored at Thubten Chöling and Guru Rinpoche Statue in Chailsa, Nepal

The FPMT Puja Fund sponsors continual butter lamp light offerings at Thubten Chöling and in front of a very precious Guru Rinpoche statue in Chailsa, Nepal. The butter lamp offered at Thubten Chöling Monastery is in front of a shrine ... Read more »
Helping Build the Darpa Pandita Labrang at Sera Je Monastery

Helping Build the Darpa Pandita Labrang at Sera Je Monastery

The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund was pleased to help support the completion of the Darpa Pandita Labrang at Sera Je Monastery. Due to the increase in number of lamas living at this labrang, construction was needed to renovate the existing ... Read more »
Update on 1,000 Statues of Buddha Created for His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Update on 1,000 Statues of Buddha Created for His Holiness the Dalai Lama

In August 2019 Lama Zopa Rinpoche shared that he planned to offer 1,000 statues of Shakyamuni Buddha to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on behalf of the entire FPMT organization. Amazingly, due to the kindness of so many people we ... Read more »