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Offering Food to the Monks of Shalu Monastery

Offering Food to the Monks of Shalu Monastery

For the second year in a row, the Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund has offered a grant to Shalu Monastery to cover the costs of food for the 30 monks who study there. This year, US$16,116.94 was offered. Shalu Monastery was ... Read more »
Join us in Offering 1,000 Buddha Statues to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Join us in Offering 1,000 Buddha Statues to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

On behalf of the entire FPMT organization, Lama Zopa Rinpoche is planning to offer one thousand statues of Shakyamuni Buddha to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. These nine inch statues are currently being made, painted, filled and consecrated. The statues ... Read more »
Rejoicing in Prayers Offered in Sponsored Community Hall at Tibetan Settlement

Rejoicing in Prayers Offered in Sponsored Community Hall at Tibetan Settlement

In 2015 a grant was offered from the Social Services Fund to Rabgayling Tibetan Settlement in Hunsur, India to build a community hall. The settlement is now actively utilizing this space for pujas, prayers, public talks, retreats, community events, workshops, ... Read more »
Six Years of Support to Ngari Institute, Ladakh, India

Six Years of Support to Ngari Institute, Ladakh, India

The Social Services Fund has been supporting the school children and staff of Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India, since 2014. This year, a grant for US$26,682.61 was offered to cover the costs of daily meals for eighty-three students and staff ... Read more »
New Zangdog Palri Temple Project in Lawudo

New Zangdog Palri Temple Project in Lawudo

Zangdog Palri: Guru Rinpoche’s Pure Land There is a tradition in Tibet of building three-dimensional versions of the Pure Land of Guru Rinpoche: Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain — in Tibetan, Zangdog Palri. Lama Zopa Rinpoche wants to build a Zangdog Palri ... Read more »
Ongoing Support Offered to the Monks of Thame Monastery, Nepal

Ongoing Support Offered to the Monks of Thame Monastery, Nepal

For the second year in a row the Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund is offering a grant to cover the cost of three meals per day to the monks of Thame Monastery in Nepal. The monastery is home to nine elderly ... Read more »
FPMT Holy Objects Fund Sponsors Gold Leafing for 31 Statues of the Incarnations of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche

FPMT Holy Objects Fund Sponsors Gold Leafing for 31 Statues of the Incarnations of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche

Due to the kindness of very generous donors, the Holy Objects Fund has invested US$61,600 in gold leafing for 31 statues of the incarnations of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche. The 31st incarnation of this lama who passed away in 2011, was ... Read more »
Offering Food to the Monks of Zigar Thupten Shedrupling Institute, Darjeeling, India

Offering Food to the Monks of Zigar Thupten Shedrupling Institute, Darjeeling, India

The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund is now offering support to the sixty-two monks of Zigar Thupten Shedrupling Institute, a Kagyu monastery located in Darjeeling, India. The monastery sent a letter of thanks and praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Today on ... Read more »
Rejoicing in Virtuous Activities, Prayers, and Pujas Offered by 15,650 Sangha on Saka Dawa

Rejoicing in Virtuous Activities, Prayers, and Pujas Offered by 15,650 Sangha on Saka Dawa

Saka Dawa is the most important Tibetan Buddhist festival day, celebrating Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana. Buddhists around the world engage in many auspicious and merit-making activities such as sponsoring or engaging in beneficial pujas, practices, and prayers; and ... Read more »
Goats Liberated and Sponsored in Maratika, Nepal

Goats Liberated and Sponsored in Maratika, Nepal

In 2016 Lama Zopa Rinpoche saved three goats that were destined to be killed in Maratika, Nepal. The goats were blessed and offered animal liberation practice which includes various mantras, beneficial prayers, tying blessed red cloth around their necks, and ... Read more »
Continued Investment in the Geluk International Foundation

Continued Investment in the Geluk International Foundation

For the second year in a row, the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund has invested in the Geluk International Foundation which was established to preserve and promote Buddhist heritage in general and the Gelug tradition in particular. This year, approximately US$18,000 ... Read more »
Supporting Elderly Tibetans through the Social Services Fund

Supporting Elderly Tibetans through the Social Services Fund

In recent years, due to the kindness of benefactors, the FPMT Social Services Fund has been able to offer support to elderly homes in India caring for Tibetans of advanced age who have no access to other means of support. ... Read more »