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Phase One of Vajrapani Institute’s Prayer Wheel of Compassion Complete

Phase One of Vajrapani Institute’s Prayer Wheel of Compassion Complete

Vajrapani Insititute, an FPMT retreat center in Northern California, is now well on its way to building the Prayer Wheel of Compassion which was announced in December 2016. The 10 ft x 7 ft prayer wheel will contain 5 trillion ... Read more »
Grant Offered to Liberation Prison Project Programs Worldwide

Grant Offered to Liberation Prison Project Programs Worldwide

Thanks to a kind benefactor, the Education and Preservation Fund issued several grants earlier this year in support of Liberation Prison Project, an FPMT project founded in 1996, which offers spiritual advice and teachings, as well as books and materials, ... Read more »
Introducing the Protecting the Environment and Living Beings Project

Introducing the Protecting the Environment and Living Beings Project

Welcome to our new initiative, the Protecting the Environment and Living Beings Project. This project began due to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s recent advice that specific pujas and practices should be done regularly to pacify harm from the elements and to ... Read more »
Imagine: Hundreds of Millions of Pujas and Practices to Benefit All Beings

Imagine: Hundreds of Millions of Pujas and Practices to Benefit All Beings

Lhabab Duchen, one of the four great holy days of the Buddhist calendar when merit is multiplied by 100 million times, takes place this year on Wednesday, October 31. On this day, up to 15,650 Sangha are sponsored through the ... Read more »
Over 2.5 Million Lives Liberated for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life

Over 2.5 Million Lives Liberated for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life

In July, over 2.5 million living beings, including large and small fish, shellfish, and two goats, were liberated in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Nepal with dedications made for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s long life. These beings were taken around holy objects ... Read more »
Maitri Charitable Trust: Dharma in Action since 1989

Maitri Charitable Trust: Dharma in Action since 1989

Since 1989, Maitri has been operating as a beneficial example of Dharma in action. Maitri is a registered charitable trust in India working to support the poor and disadvantaged in the province of Bihar, India. While Maitri was created to ... Read more »
The Inner Job Description App Is Now Available in Six Languages

The Inner Job Description App Is Now Available in Six Languages

The Inner Job Description App, a free app created by FPMT Inc., is now available in the Amazon, Apple, and Google Play stores in Chinese (更新了截图), English, French (Description du travail intérieur), Italian (Descrizione del Lavoro interiore), Russian (Оценка внутренней ... Read more »
Support of Dorje Pamo Monastery, a New Community for Nuns in France

Support of Dorje Pamo Monastery, a New Community for Nuns in France

Dorje Pamo Monastery is in the process of becoming a new nunnery for approximately twelve FPMT nuns in the South of France. The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund was pleased to offer US$93,760 toward the building of a gompa, reception area, ... Read more »
Support Continues for Rabgay Ling Old Aged Home, Hunsur, India

Support Continues for Rabgay Ling Old Aged Home, Hunsur, India

Since 2015, the FPMT Social Services Fund has been supporting Rabgay Ling Old Aged Home in Hunsur, India, which serves 20 elderly residents. A grant for US$26,839.69 was offered this year to cover the cost of food for 2017 and ... Read more »
Sponsorship of Annual Winter Jang Debate, Bodhgaya, India, and Special Memorization Exam for Monks

Sponsorship of Annual Winter Jang Debate, Bodhgaya, India, and Special Memorization Exam for Monks

This January, monks from various Gelug monasteries participated in an extensive twenty-two day debate on Buddhist logic in Bodhgaya, India, known as the Winter Jang Debate. This annual debate dates back to the time of Lama Tsongkhapa and was continued ... Read more »
Continual Light Offering to Holy Objects in Mongolia

Continual Light Offering to Holy Objects in Mongolia

The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund sponsors the electricity for lotus light offerings to all the holy objects on the altar at Idgaa Choizinling College in Mongolia. The lights are offered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Among ... Read more »
Support Continues for the Compassionate Work of Maitreya School, Bodhgaya

Support Continues for the Compassionate Work of Maitreya School, Bodhgaya

Maitreya School, a social service project of Root Institute, Bodhgaya, is a free school benefiting impoverished children from neighboring villages. The school offers children living in one of India’s poorest states a precious opportunity. Not only do they engage in ... Read more »