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Root Institute Continues Essential Community Service in Bodhgaya

Root Institute Continues Essential Community Service in Bodhgaya

For the past nine years, due to the kindness of one main benefactor, the FPMT Social Services Fund has been offering substantial grants toward the amazing projects of Root Institute, Bodhgaya, India, which directly benefit underprivileged individuals in the area. ... Read more »
Direct Support Offered to Tibetan Elders in India in 2020

Direct Support Offered to Tibetan Elders in India in 2020

The Need for Support Tibetans have been living in exile since 1959 when Communist China invaded Tibet, forcing 100,000 Tibetans to flee to India, Nepal, Bhutan and eventually elsewhere around the world. Many of the Tibetan refugees in India and ... Read more »
Update on 5 Trillion Mantra Prayer Wheel Project at Vajrapani Insititute, CA

Update on 5 Trillion Mantra Prayer Wheel Project at Vajrapani Insititute, CA

In December 2016, Vajrapani Institute, in California, US, launched the 5 Trillion Mantra Prayer Wheel Project. The prayer wheel, called the Compassion Wheel and standing 7 ft x 10 ft when completed, will contain 5 trillion (5,000,000,000,000) copies of OM ... Read more »
Rejoicing in 1,000 Statues Completed for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Long Life

Rejoicing in 1,000 Statues Completed for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Long Life

Last August we shared Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s wish to offer 1,000 statues of Shakyamuni Buddha to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on behalf of the entire FPMT organization. Thanks to the support of many generous donors, we quickly raised the ... Read more »
Writing of the Prajnaparamita Sutra for as Long as FPMT Exists

Writing of the Prajnaparamita Sutra for as Long as FPMT Exists

The Prajnaparamita Sutra contains the highest teachings of the Buddha and is among the most precious texts available in the world today. Due to the power of this text, writing it out is a way to generate tremendous merit, remove ... Read more »
Recitations and Strong Prayers Every Month to Protect the Environment and Living Beings

Recitations and Strong Prayers Every Month to Protect the Environment and Living Beings

In 2018 we announced a new fund, the Protecting the Environment and Living Beings Project. This project began as a way to fulfill Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice for specific pujas and practices to be recited regularly in order to pacify ... Read more »
Special Powerful Long Life Puja Offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery

Special Powerful Long Life Puja Offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery

On July 4, under the direction and guidance of Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme (Khadro-la), a special White Tara long life puja was offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery, Nepal, with Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi and about one ... Read more »
Dhondenling and Rabgayling Elderly Homes Update During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dhondenling and Rabgayling Elderly Homes Update During the COVID-19 Pandemic

FPMT Charitable Projects has been providing information about how the elderly homes supported by the Social Services Fund have been doing during the COVID-19 crisis. Here we provide the final reports of two homes who are, thankfully, marked safe during ... Read more »
An Update and Incredible Achievement from the Sera Je Food Fund

An Update and Incredible Achievement from the Sera Je Food Fund

In 2017, after twenty-six years of the Sera Je Food Fund offering daily meals to all of the 2,500 monks of Sera Je Monastery, FPMT Charitable Projects raised and then offered a US$5.3 million endowment fund to Sera Je Monastery. ... Read more »
Ngari Institute, Ladakh, India: an Update During the COVID-19 Crisis

Ngari Institute, Ladakh, India: an Update During the COVID-19 Crisis

The Social Services Fund has been supporting Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India since 2014. Ngari Institute helps needy children from remote regions of Ladakh and arranges to send them to, currently, three different schools. The Institute arranges all the costs ... Read more »
Lugsum Samduling Home for the Aged and Disabled, India, During COVID-19

Lugsum Samduling Home for the Aged and Disabled, India, During COVID-19

Lugsum Samduling Home for the Aged and Disabled, an elderly home in Bylakuppe, India, cares for 37 aging Tibetans. The Social Services Fund has been supporting this home since 2016 with grants toward annual operating budget shortfall; and also to ... Read more »
Nuns of Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery, Nepal, Engage in Nyung Nä Retreat on Saka Dawa for World Peace and Healing

Nuns of Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery, Nepal, Engage in Nyung Nä Retreat on Saka Dawa for World Peace and Healing

Since 2009, sponsorship has been offered to the nuns of Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery, Nepal, from the Practice and Retreat Fund. Funds have been offered to complete two 100 million mani retreats (100 million recitations of the mantra OM MANI ... Read more »