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‘A Christmas Festival Can Be Very Meaningful and Worthwhile’

‘A Christmas Festival Can Be Very Meaningful and Worthwhile’

In 1971, at the famous Kopan November course in Kathmandu, Nepal, FPMT founder Lama Yeshe took time to speak with his students about Christmas time and the figure of Jesus. The teachings were originally published by Wisdom Publications in 1978 ... Read more »
Personalizing the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination – Preview

Personalizing the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination – Preview

Venerable Bhikshus, whoever sees dependent and relative origination, sees the Dharma. Whoever sees the Dharma, sees the Buddha. What is this dependent and relative origination of which I speak? It is this: because this exists, that arises. Because this is ... Read more »
Construction of the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion Continues

Construction of the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion Continues

The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion is an FPMT project near Bendigo, Australia which, once completed, will be the largest stupa in the Western world. The Great Stupa is the final home for the largest gem quality Jade Buddha in ... Read more »
Just One Decision in Life: Practice Dharma

Just One Decision in Life: Practice Dharma

While it may seem that there are many things we can do with our lives, Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches that there is only one thing to do that is meaningful, which is to practice Dharma. From beginningless time, Rinpoche explains, ... Read more »
Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery

Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery

A long life puja was offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Thursday, December 14, on behalf of the entire FPMT organization. Kopan monks, nuns, and November course students filled the main gompa at Kopan for the puja, which was also ... Read more »
Advice Regarding Gurus for Students New to Dharma

Advice Regarding Gurus for Students New to Dharma

In FPMT centers, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the practice of guru devotion. Advice Regarding Gurus, a short booklet available through the FPMT Foundation Store, introduces new students to the concept of guru devotion and explains why ... Read more »
Mandala January-June 2018 Out Now!

Mandala January-June 2018 Out Now!

In our just published Mandala January-June 2018, we explore what Buddhism offers the world in times of global difficulties to help pacify suffering and bring about peace. As a preview to the print edition, we have made the cover story, ... Read more »
Personalizing the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination

Personalizing the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination

By Ven. Tenzin Gache His Holiness the Dalai Lama often comments that as Buddhists, our distinctive practice is non-violence, and our distinctive view is dependent origination. His Holiness’s comments echo a common strand in the Buddhist tradition: Lama Tsongkhapa claimed ... Read more »
Support Continues in 2017 to Sagarmatha Secondary School

Support Continues in 2017 to Sagarmatha Secondary School

For the past three years, the Social Services Fund has been offering a grant to cover the cost of running Sagarmatha Secondary School in Chailsa, Nepal. The school is located on what was once a Tibetan refugee camp and currently ... Read more »
‘Lama Tsongkhapa’s Teachings Have Everything to Achieve Full Enlightenment’

‘Lama Tsongkhapa’s Teachings Have Everything to Achieve Full Enlightenment’

Lama Zopa Rinpoche described the special qualities of Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings in a 2010 letter to a student. Lama Tsongkhapa was a great Tibetan Buddhist scholar, saint, and teacher of the fourteenth century who founded the Gelug school. “Lama Tsongkhapa’s ... Read more »
Watch Rinpoche Bless Animals Around the World [Video]

Watch Rinpoche Bless Animals Around the World [Video]

Wherever Lama Zopa Rinpoche travels, he takes time to bless animals. Zarina Osmonalieva, a devoted student of Rinpoche, has put together a short video of Rinpoche doing animal blessings around the world, including in Russia, India, Nepal, the US, and ... Read more »
Learn Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Name Mantra in Sanskrit [Audio]

Learn Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Name Mantra in Sanskrit [Audio]

In 2014, Indian FPMT students heard Malaysian and Singaporean students chant Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s name mantra in Mundgod, India, and wished to learn how to do the same. Long-time student Ven. Kabir Saxena suggested that they use an Indian tune ... Read more »