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October FPMT International Office e-News Out Now!

October FPMT International Office e-News Out Now!

We invite you to read the October edition of the FPMT International Office e-News now! This month we bring you: News about the annual long life puja offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and how to contribute, Highlights of Rinpoche’s Advice ... Read more »
‘The Refuge and Bodhichitta Verse,’ A Living in the Path Module

‘The Refuge and Bodhichitta Verse,’ A Living in the Path Module

For those wishing to understand Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s explanations of the verse for taking refuge and generating bodhichitta, which is commonly recited at the beginning of teaching sessions and many practices, Living in the Path module “The Refuge and Bodhichitta ... Read more »
Presenting the Path to Modern Students: An Interview with Ven. Thubten Chodron

Presenting the Path to Modern Students: An Interview with Ven. Thubten Chodron

Ven. Thubten Chodron is a celebrated American Buddhist teacher, scholar, author, and leader who has published many popular books explaining the Dharma, including a 2013 work co-authored with His Holiness the Dalai Lama called Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions. She ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Advice on Lama Chöpa at 100 Million Mani Mantra Retreat

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offers Advice on Lama Chöpa at 100 Million Mani Mantra Retreat

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues giving teachings at the 100 Million Mani Mantra Retreat, which is currently taking place at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Pomaia, Italy. Around 400 people are attending, including a number of center directors and regional and ... Read more »
Rinpoche’s Advice on California Wildfires

Rinpoche’s Advice on California Wildfires

During the 100 Million Mani Mantra Retreat in Pomaia, Italy, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave the following advice to control the wildfires in California: Everybody should make strong prayers to Chenrezig to purify all the six-realm sentient beings—their negative karma and ... Read more »
Grant Offered Toward New Sewage System at Sera Lachi, South India

Grant Offered Toward New Sewage System at Sera Lachi, South India

Earlier this year when Lama Zopa Rinpoche was in Bangalore, he was requested to help with a desperately needed new sewage system at Sera Lachi. Sera Lachi is made up of Sera Je and Sera Mey Monasteries in southern India. ... Read more »
Memorizing for Rinpoche’s Happiness

Memorizing for Rinpoche’s Happiness

When Dechen Bloom had completely memorized the Three Principal Aspects of the Path in April 2017, he urged his mother to take a video of him reciting it and send it to Lama Zopa Rinpoche. At the time, Dechen was ... Read more »
Drolkar McCallum Visits the Sakyadhita International Conference in Hong Kong

Drolkar McCallum Visits the Sakyadhita International Conference in Hong Kong

In June 2017, Drolkar McCallum, regional coordinator for FPMT North America and member services coordinator for the International Mahayana Institute—FPMT’s international community of nuns and monks—visited Hong Kong to attend the Sakyadhita International Conference. Drolkar, who additionally serves as acting ... Read more »
Prepare for Death and Dying

Prepare for Death and Dying

FPMT Education Services would like to remind you of three invaluable resources on death and dying: Heart Advice for Death and Dying, How to Enjoy Death: Preparing for Life’s Final Challenge without Fear, and the Liberation Box. Heart Advice for ... Read more »
Low Self-Esteem Is a Wrong Label

Low Self-Esteem Is a Wrong Label

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave advice to a student who wrote to him about experiencing many obstacles and low self-esteem. Here’s an excerpt from Rinpoche’s advice, given in February 2017: Regarding your question about low self-esteem, many people have low self-esteem, ... Read more »
The Solution to the Problems of the World Is Inside Our Mind

The Solution to the Problems of the World Is Inside Our Mind

Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (ILTK) in Italy is hosting the month-long 100 Million Mani Mantra Retreat with Lama Zopa Rinpoche that began last week. ILTK shared highlights of the first night’s teaching: “We gather here to do the best thing ... Read more »
Community and Commitment: A Yamantaka Study Group in Australia

Community and Commitment: A Yamantaka Study Group in Australia

A group of students from Tara Institute in Victoria, Australia, took the initiative to commence study of the Yamantaka sadhana. A small but devoted number of people soon developed a regular practice, culminating in the decision to undertake retreat this ... Read more »