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Celebrating Chokhor Duchen and International Sangha Day

Celebrating Chokhor Duchen and International Sangha Day

July 27 is Chokhor Duchen, which is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan Buddhist calendar and marks the occasion of Buddha’s first teaching. Specific advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche for practices to do on Buddha Multiplying ... Read more »
‘Happiness Starts When We Renounce This Life’

‘Happiness Starts When We Renounce This Life’

Will renunciation bring us happiness or just more suffering? Lama Zopa Rinpoche discussed this question in his book How to Practice Dharma: Teachings on the Eight Worldly Dharmas. Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised that “any action done free from the three ... Read more »
The Puja Fund Sponsors Pujas and Offerings on Chokhor Duchen

The Puja Fund Sponsors Pujas and Offerings on Chokhor Duchen

Each year on Chokhor Duchen, one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan Buddhist calendar, The Puja Fund sponsors pujas and offerings all over the world dedicated to success of the entire FPMT organization. The practices are offered ... Read more »
Monthly Medicine Buddha Puja to Benefit Entire FPMT Organization

Monthly Medicine Buddha Puja to Benefit Entire FPMT Organization

Every month on the Tibetan 8th day The Puja Fund sponsors all the monks of Sera Mey Monastery to offer Medicine Buddha puja dedicated FPMT centers, projects, services; all students who are ill or having life obstacles; benefactors of The ... Read more »
July FPMT International Office e-News Out Now

July FPMT International Office e-News Out Now

Welcome to the July edition of the monthly FPMT International Office e-News! This month we bring you: Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice about serving the guru, News about the Sera Je Food Fund Endowment, Announcing the new edition of Mandala magazine! ... Read more »
‘Are You Sitting on Your I?,’ A New Living in the Path Module

‘Are You Sitting on Your I?,’ A New Living in the Path Module

The achievement of both liberation from samsara and enlightenment depend on realizing emptiness—how the “I” and all phenomena do not exist at all from their own side, even though this is how they appear to us ordinary sentient beings. In ... Read more »
Mandala Offerings: ‘Everything You Visualize Should Be Big, Huge!’

Mandala Offerings: ‘Everything You Visualize Should Be Big, Huge!’

What is the most important thing to remember when doing mandala offerings? Lama Zopa Rinpoche has explained that, “Many high lamas have made comments on [the mandala offering]. The main purpose is to create merit, so it’s important that your ... Read more »
Support for Social Services at Root Institute Continues

Support for Social Services at Root Institute Continues

For the past six years, due to the kindness of one main benefactor, the FPMT Social Services project has been able to offer substantial grants toward the amazing projects of Root Institute, India, which directly benefit underprivileged individuals in the ... Read more »
‘The Friend Who Is Angry Can Be the Most Kind Person in Your Life’

‘The Friend Who Is Angry Can Be the Most Kind Person in Your Life’

In October 2016, a student wrote to Lama Zopa Rinpoche asking how to deal with a situation in which an individual behaved in ways that were angry and unkind. Rinpoche typed out the following reply himself from Buddha Amitabha Pure ... Read more »
FPMT Student Brings Dentistry to Solu Khumbu

FPMT Student Brings Dentistry to Solu Khumbu

In September 2016, long-time student and former FPMT center director George Manos and a team of three volunteers journeyed from Australia to Chailsa, Nepal, to offer dental care to the villagers living there. With the help of four porters, the ... Read more »
Dozen of Volunteers Prepare for Light of the Path 2017

Dozen of Volunteers Prepare for Light of the Path 2017

From August 20 to September 17, Lama Zopa Rinpoche will teach in Black Mountain, North Carolina, US, at the fifth annual Light of the Path retreat, hosted by Kadampa Center. This massive Dharma undertaking requires the support of dozens of ... Read more »
The Inner Job Description Card: A Mindfulness Practice Tool

The Inner Job Description Card: A Mindfulness Practice Tool

The Inner Job Description Card (Mindfulness Practice Tool) was created to help those offering service to FPMT track their progress throughout the day as they attempt to develop the inner professional and subdue outer expressions of ignorance, anger, attachment, and ... Read more »