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‘The Kindness of the Enemy—Wow, Wow, Wow’ [Video]

‘The Kindness of the Enemy—Wow, Wow, Wow’ [Video]

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave a concise teaching last April at Losang Dragpa Centre in Malaysia on “the kindness of the enemy,” now available in a 20-minute video. “What is the advice?” asked Rinpoche. “Take the loss on yourself and offer ... Read more »
Supporting Land of Joy, a UK Retreat Center

Supporting Land of Joy, a UK Retreat Center

Land of Joy is an FPMT-affiliated Buddhist retreat center located in the Northumberland National Park in the north of England. We are pleased to report that due to the kindness of a generous benefactor, the Practice and Retreat Fund was ... Read more »
Vajrapani Founders’ Retreat Participants Record Early History

Vajrapani Founders’ Retreat Participants Record Early History

Long-time student and Vajrapani Institute co-founder Elaine Jackson shares some early Vajrapani Institute history and reports on the January 2016 Vajrapani Institute’s founders’ retreat: It was 1977. Two hundred or more baby Dharma students gathered in Yucca Valley, California for ... Read more »
Mandala Online: How Does Mindfulness Relate to Middle Way Philosophy?

Mandala Online: How Does Mindfulness Relate to Middle Way Philosophy?

We hear about mindfulness everywhere, it seems. Many of us practice it. But what is it doing? And how does it relate to Buddhist teachings on the emptiness of the self? If both mindfulness and Madhyamaka are methods to transform ... Read more »
An Eventful Visit: Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery

An Eventful Visit: Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been staying at Kopan Monastery since late February. Rinpoche first celebrated Tibetan New Year (Losar) at Kopan. He also circumambulated and made offerings at stupas in Boudhanath and Swayambu. As well, he presided over the enthronement ... Read more »
New Self / No Self: Jacob Sky Lindsley on Mindfulness and Madhyamaka

New Self / No Self: Jacob Sky Lindsley on Mindfulness and Madhyamaka

Jacob Sky Lindsley is a graduate of two Buddhist schools in the US, having received a bachelor degree from the University of the West near Los Angeles, California, and a master of arts degree from FPMT-affiliated Maitripa College in Portland, ... Read more »
Dharma Resources Available to You

Dharma Resources Available to You

In this year’s annual review, Lama Zopa Rinpoche mentioned two practices that he’s asking students to focus on: The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment) and How to Make Life Most Beneficial for Sentient Beings, Even ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Visits the Himalayan Buddhist Meditation Centre, Kathmandu

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Visits the Himalayan Buddhist Meditation Centre, Kathmandu

On March 2, 2017, Lama Zopa Rinpoche visited the new location of FPMT’s center in Kathmandu, Nepal, known as the Himalayan Buddhist Meditation Centre (HBMC). HBMC was established in 1982 by Lama Yeshe and offers teachings and meditation. In recent ... Read more »
Prajnaparamita Project Enters Fifteenth Year

Prajnaparamita Project Enters Fifteenth Year

According to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, one of the main ways to create the cause needed to build the large Maitreya Buddha statue in India, is to write out the Prajnaparamita Sutra in pure gold. One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s vast ... Read more »
Thubten Rigsel Rinpoche Enthroned at Kopan Monastery

Thubten Rigsel Rinpoche Enthroned at Kopan Monastery

Monday March 6—today—is the start of the enthronement celebrations for the reincarnation of Kopan Monastery’s beloved long-time abbot, Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup. The official enthronement of Thubten Rigsel Rinpoche took place this morning (Nepal time) in the main Kopan gompa, ... Read more »
Please Rejoice in a Year of Charitable Giving!

Please Rejoice in a Year of Charitable Giving!

In 2016, FPMT Charitable Projects provided grants totaling US$3,512,326 toward various beneficial activities, including offering food to ordained Sangha and children; providing Buddhist philosophy scholarships; sponsoring beneficial pujas and practices; monthly offerings to the main teachers of the Lama Tsongkhapa ... Read more »
Purification Practice during the Fifteen Days of Miracles

Purification Practice during the Fifteen Days of Miracles

We are currently amid a group of Buddha Multiplying Days and wanted to bring your attention to some resources available for students interested in purification practices during this time. Days one through fifteen of the first month of the Tibetan ... Read more »