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Please Rejoice! FPMT Annual Review 2016: Working to Benefit Sentient Beings as Infinite as the Sky

Please Rejoice! FPMT Annual Review 2016: Working to Benefit Sentient Beings as Infinite as the Sky

International Office has just released FPMT Annual Review 2016: Working to Benefit Sentient Beings as Infinite as the Sky, a collection of warm-hearted messages, beautiful photos, and informative reports reflecting International Office’s activities in 2016. FPMT Annual Review 2016 includes ... Read more »
New Book! ‘A Spiritual Revolution: The History of Lama Tzong Khapa Institute’

New Book! ‘A Spiritual Revolution: The History of Lama Tzong Khapa Institute’

In December 2016, Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (ILTK) published A Spiritual Revolution: The History of the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute of Pomaia (in Italian, Una rivoluzione spirituale: La storia dell’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa di Pomaia). The 120-page hardcover coffee table ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Celebrates Tibetan New Year at Kopan Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Celebrates Tibetan New Year at Kopan Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche arrived the night of February 25 at Kopan Monastery in Nepal to join in the Losar (Tibetan New Year) celebrations there. He had traveled from Tushita Meditation Centre in Dharamsala, India, where he visited briefly. On his ... Read more »
The Cats of Sera Je—And Their Friend [Video]

The Cats of Sera Je—And Their Friend [Video]

Ven. Gyalten Lekden, an International Mahayana Institute (IMI) monk who studies at Sera Je in South India, reports on some of his most beloved housemates. Cats. And more cats. The cats are strays that Ven. Lekden has taken to feeding ... Read more »
Losar Greetings and e-News!

Losar Greetings and e-News!

Warm good wishes for Losar (Tibetan New Year) from Lama Zopa Rinpoche and all at Rinpoche’s FPMT International Office! Our Losar greetings are part of our February FPMT International Office e-News, in which you’ll also find: An Overview of Lama ... Read more »
Advice for Practice on Lunar and Solar Eclipses

Advice for Practice on Lunar and Solar Eclipses

Lunar and solar eclipses are auspicious days for practice and provide opportunities for accumulating increased merit. Lama Zopa Rinpoche advises that the merit generated on lunar eclipses is multiplied by 700,000 and on solar eclipses is multiplied by 100 million. ... Read more »
How to Think about Caring for the Sick

How to Think about Caring for the Sick

Lama Zopa Rinpoche was asked for advice by a student who has cancer. His brother is taking care of him, including helping him go the bathroom and cleaning him afterward. Rinpoche typed up the following advice himself to send to ... Read more »
Help Us Sponsor Prayers, Pujas, and Offerings on Tibetan New Year (Losar)

Help Us Sponsor Prayers, Pujas, and Offerings on Tibetan New Year (Losar)

On Chotrul Duchen (the Day of Miracles), which is the fifteenth day of the Tibetan New Year (Losar) and falls on March 12 this year, the Puja Fund will sponsor offerings to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s gurus and Sangha around the ... Read more »
Helping Stray Dogs: A Thank You Letter from Rinpoche

Helping Stray Dogs: A Thank You Letter from Rinpoche

In 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche heard about a service that rescues stray dogs in Malaysia, and that had cared for more than a thousand of them. He was deeply touched to hear about this rescue effort. Rinpoche wanted to make ... Read more »
Paying Tribute to Geshe Pema Tsering

Paying Tribute to Geshe Pema Tsering

On February 11, 2017, Geshe Pema Tsering, who served as resident teacher at Buddha House in Adelaide, Australia, for nine years entered into clear light meditation after passing away. Mandala received this tribute to Geshe-la from Buddha House director Gabe ... Read more »
Mandala Online: At the Kalachakra, FPMT Supports the Aims of His Holiness

Mandala Online: At the Kalachakra, FPMT Supports the Aims of His Holiness

Mandala has just published “His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives His 34th Kalachakra Initiation,” an online feature—with plenty of great photos—about the Kalachakra initiation held recently in Bodhgaya, India, and FPMT’s involvement in it. This was the 34th such initiation ... Read more »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives His 34th Kalachakra Initiation

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives His 34th Kalachakra Initiation

Mandala is pleased to present two reports on the January 2-14, 2017, Kalachakra initiation in Bodhgaya, India, the 34th such initiation His Holiness has granted and the fifth one in Bodhgaya. The first report is by free-lance reporter Cynthia Karena, ... Read more »