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An Interview with Åge Delbanco

An Interview with Åge Delbanco

In the late 1960s, Åge Delbanco (also known as Babaji) followed the “hippie trail” from Denmark to India and then found his way up Kopan Hill in Nepal. He arrived about a year after Lama Yeshe, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches on “The Dissatisfied Mind of Desire”

Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches on “The Dissatisfied Mind of Desire”

Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches extensively on “the dissatisfied mind of desire”: “Whether we are a Dharma practitioner or not, every problem in life comes from our own mind, as does every happiness. The cause of suffering is not external; the ... Read more »

ever mind, a poem

Craig Matsu-Pissot submitted “ever mind” to Mandala to our great pleasure. It reads like a meditation on the nature of the mind and is certainly worth lingering over. “… shadows of behaviors which have appeared repetitively / like the passing ... Read more »
Important Announcements Regarding Maitreya Project

Important Announcements Regarding Maitreya Project

[if gte mso 9]> Letter from Lama Zopa Rinpoche My dear kind friends, those who like to benefit other sentient being through the teachings of the Buddha. I would like to announce that the Maitreya Project director is changing from ... Read more »
Abbot Geshe Jamphel Explores What It Means “To Be Truly Free”

Abbot Geshe Jamphel Explores What It Means “To Be Truly Free”

In a time when there is a heightened awareness of global terror and especially during the American presidential elections, the word “freedom” is often heard. But what does “freedom” mean from a Buddhist perspective? During teachings on Shantideva’s Bodhisattva’s Way ... Read more »
Euthanasia with a Good Heart

Euthanasia with a Good Heart

Leah Richards, a veterinary nurse, has a deep love, compassion, and respect for all animals and hopes to be a veterinarian one day. While at the 2003 Kopan course, she asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche for guidance on what to do ... Read more »
Why Is It So Difficult to Forgive Ourselves and Others?

Why Is It So Difficult to Forgive Ourselves and Others?

“Somehow, we have this arrogant idea that we should be able to protect ourselves from all harm from others as if we are superheroes and perfect,” writes Swiss-born Ven. Rita Riniker . “If we get hurt, our ego is not ... Read more »
The Hidden Toll of Australia’s 2011 Floods

The Hidden Toll of Australia’s 2011 Floods

“The start of 2011 saw the Australian state of Queensland experience some of the worst flooding in history, resulting in three-quarters of the state, an area the size of France and Germany combined, being declared a disaster zone. Stretching from ... Read more »

Funeral Ceremonies in Tibetan Buddhism

Geshe Tashi Tsering, resident lama at Jamyang Buddhist Centre in London, explains the significance of rituals when a person has died and begins “Transitions Part III: Funeral Ceremonies” the third installation of Mandala’s three-part series on life’s major transitions – ... Read more »
Lorne Ladner on “Different Visions of Sanity”

Lorne Ladner on “Different Visions of Sanity”

“Among Western psychotherapists, there’s been a long debate about the value of a ‘healthy ego’ for those striving to practice the Dharma,” writes Lorne Ladner. “One of the functions of the ego is to help us to fit into society ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Practices to Mitigate Harm from Hurricane Sandy

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Practices to Mitigate Harm from Hurricane Sandy

FPMT News Around the World FPMT students on the Atlantic coast of North America are hunkered down as hurricane Sandy make its way across the eastern United States and Canada. The powerful storm has already passed through Haiti, the Dominican ... Read more »
2012 Hightlights

2012 Hightlights

October 2012: For the past fifteen years the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund has been offering a small monthly stipend to 136 of the most senior teachers, and secretaries, of Sera, Ganden, Drepung, Gyume, Gyuto, Tashi Lhunpo and Rato monasteries. In ... Read more »