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We Die as We Live

Vicki Mackenzie talks to Ven. Pende Hawter about his work at Karuna Hospice Service, which he started in Brisbane, Australia in 1992. From Mandala September-October 1997.

What is Dharma?

Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches on the meaning of the word “Dharma,” contrasting its affects with those of external medicine. From Mandala April-June 2001.

Fulfilling a Lifelong Calling to Heal Leprosy

Adriana Ferranti’s work with people with leprosy began in 1987 when she established Maitri Leprosy Center in Bodhgaya, India. In this interview, Adriana discusses her own spiritual journey, why she founded Maitri Leprosy Center, what she has accomplished so far, ... Read more »

Applied Buddhism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In “Applied Buddhism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” Bar Zecharya presents to Thich Nhat Hanh and a community of Engaged Buddhists on the ways Buddhism can be used to examine the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. From Mandala January-March 2009.

May 18 2011

Dear Friends, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been discharged from the hospital and is now resting comfortably in a private home nearby the hospital. Rinpoche is now an outpatient at the hospital and will be going to the hospital 3 times ... Read more »

Compassion in Action

Few have as much insight into the compassionate action of Lama Zopa Rinpoche as does Ven. Roger Kunsang, Rinpoche’s attendant and CEO of FPMT. After reading some of these stories, you’ll see that Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s activities have not changed ... Read more »

Mental Medicine

Geshe Doga, resident geshe at Tara Institute in Melbourne, Australia, teaches very clearly on how internal problems can only be remedied by internal solutions. From Mandala October 1989.

A New Generation of Young Lamas

During a recent visit to Drepung and Ganden monasteries in Mundgod, south India, Ven. Roger Kunsang interviewed the young reincarnations of five of the highest Gelug lamas: Ling Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche, Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche and Serkong Dorje Chang. ... Read more »

Advice on the Benefits of Prayer Wheels

Lama Zopa Rinpoche shares how he came to see the importance of prayer wheels, describes some of their benefits, and instructs on visualizations one can use while turning them. From Mandala July-August 1995. The Foundation Store makes high-quality, handcrafted prayer ... Read more »

Choosing a Life Without Attachment

Dr. Renuka Singh interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama for her book Women Reborn. In it, His Holiness discusses his greatest spiritual accomplishments and struggles, celibacy, and separating from his mother at a young age, among other topics. From Mandala ... Read more »

Out on a Limb: On the Road in One Place

Ven.Roger Kunsang’s blog regarding the last 18 days.

Out on a Limb: On the Road in One Place

Bendigo, Australia — April 26-May 14, 2011 From Ven. Roger: April 26 This vessel-like world which existed at an earlier moment does not do so at a later one. That it seems to continue in the same way is because ... Read more »