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Update from FPMT Inc.

Here is a further update on the steps we’re taking to help enable the FPMT organization to offer the safest environment possible, with robust protection from harm and abuse, and with clear and appropriate processes in place to report and ... Read more »
Advice and Ideas for Losar and the Fifteen Miracle Days of Chotrul Duchen 2021

Advice and Ideas for Losar and the Fifteen Miracle Days of Chotrul Duchen 2021

The Fifteen Days of Miracles—from the first day of the Tibetan new year (Losar, February 12) until the fifteenth—commemorate the special time when Guru Shakyamuni Buddha showed miraculous powers in order to subdue six tirthikas, or non-Buddhist teachers, who lacked ... Read more »
Reminder and Text for Online Teaching with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Reminder and Text for Online Teaching with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will offer a teaching at the request of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and FPMT on Changkya Rölpai Dorjé’s Recognizing My Mother: An Experiential Song of the View (tagur ama ngodzin) followed by a question and answer ... Read more »
2020 Offering to the Gelug Examination and Main Teachers of the Lama Tsongkhapa Tradition

2020 Offering to the Gelug Examination and Main Teachers of the Lama Tsongkhapa Tradition

Every year the best scholars from the main Gelug monasteries come together for the annual Gelug Examination. Since 1997 the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund has offered annual grants for daily food, travel expenses, and teacher stipends for all the main ... Read more »
Our Whole Life We Are in between the Fangs of Yama

Our Whole Life We Are in between the Fangs of Yama

In the following Essential Extract video, from a teaching Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave in December 2019 at Kopan Monastery, Rinpoche explains the wheel of life drawing and reminds us that death can happen at any time. In the drawing you ... Read more »
How to Accept Suffering: Everything Becomes Easier with Acquaintance

How to Accept Suffering: Everything Becomes Easier with Acquaintance

Patience: A Guide to Shantideva’s Sixth Chapter is a recent book of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings on the perfection of patience, a topic Rinpoche has taught on extensively. In this book, Rinpoche gives commentary on the verses on patience in ... Read more »
Resources for Your Purification Practice

Resources for Your Purification Practice

“The solution is purification every day. Practice as much as possible purification,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche said during a teaching on purification. To support this advice from Rinpoche, FPMT Education Services has created a page where students can find links to ... Read more »
Kasih Hospice Foundation Held an Interfaith Dialogue “Discovering Faith Perspectives on End-of-Life Care”

Kasih Hospice Foundation Held an Interfaith Dialogue “Discovering Faith Perspectives on End-of-Life Care”

Kasih Hospice Foundation, an FPMT project in Selangor, Malaysia, provides medical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual support to people with life threatening diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and end-stage organ failure, and their families free of cost. Catherine Ooi, general manager, ... Read more »
Investing in the Expansion of Maratika Monastery, Nepal

Investing in the Expansion of Maratika Monastery, Nepal

Maratika Monastery, Eastern Nepal, is located above Maratika Cave which is the sacred cave associated with Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) and longevity. This holy site is where Guru Rinpoche, with the wisdom-mother Mandarava, achieved immortal life through the practice of Amitayus. ... Read more »
January FPMT e-News is Out Now

January FPMT e-News is Out Now

We hope you enjoy our January FPMT International Office e-News! This month we bring you news about: His Holiness Teaching for the FPMT Organization, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s New Book, Lama Yeshe’s Wisdom, LPP’s 2021 Calendar, ….and more. Have the e-News ... Read more »
Overcoming the Wish to Retaliate: Anger Is Inappropriate

Overcoming the Wish to Retaliate: Anger Is Inappropriate

Patience: A Guide to Shantideva’s Sixth Chapter is a new book of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings on the perfection of patience, a topic Rinpoche has taught on extensively. (Perhaps this is not surprising since Rinpoche’s name “Zopa” means “patience.”) In ... Read more »
Resources for Your Thought Transformation Practice

Resources for Your Thought Transformation Practice

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, in his video teachings on thought transformation, has spoken repeatedly about how we must learn to transform the problems and hardships we encounter in our life into the path to enlightenment. Moreover, we need these problems to ... Read more »