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Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Additional Advice to Students of Dagri Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Additional Advice to Students of Dagri Rinpoche

If you wish to read FPMT International Office’s May 24 update regarding Dagri Rinpoche, it is available here. Lama Zopa Rinpoche felt strongly that it was important for him to offer the following advice to the students of Dagri Rinpoche ... Read more »

Further Update Regarding Dagri Rinpoche *

FPMT International Office has received considerable correspondence regarding the alleged misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche and the decision to suspend Dagri Rinpoche from the FPMT Tibetan Teachers List. (See the timeline below for details.) International Office acknowledges the very real suffering ... Read more »
FPMT Board of Directors Welcomes Three New Members

FPMT Board of Directors Welcomes Three New Members

The Board of Directors of FPMT, Inc., has three new members: Ven. Lhundub Chodron, Peggy Bennington, and Debra Ladner. Peggy Bennington was appointed to the board on March 5, 2019; Venerable Lhundub Chodron and Debra Ladner were appointed on May ... Read more »
The Secret Advanced Practices of Vajrayogini and Other Vajrayogini Texts

The Secret Advanced Practices of Vajrayogini and Other Vajrayogini Texts

FPMT Educations Services has recently released three new Vajrayogini practices texts—The Secret Advanced Practices of Vajrayogini, The Quick Path to Great Bliss, and A Compilation of Tsog Offerings to Vajrayogini. The Secret Advanced Practices of Vajrayogini (in hardcopy and digital ... Read more »
Milarepa Center Making Strides

Milarepa Center Making Strides

Milarepa Center is located in rural Barnet, Vermont, in the United States. In July 2018, the center hosted the Foundation Service Seminar, the ‘FPMT immersion retreat’. Milarepa Center director Dawn Holt recently shared this update. I am happy to say ... Read more »
Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund Invests in Nuns’ Education

Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund Invests in Nuns’ Education

For the second time, the annual Nuns’ Jang Guncho (annual winter debate session) was held at Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery (Kopan Nunnery), in Kathmandu, Nepal, from October 3-November 3, 2018. Approximately 710 nuns, 17 teachers, and some lay women from ... Read more »
May FPMT International Office e-News Out Now

May FPMT International Office e-News Out Now

We invite you to read the May FPMT International Office e-News! This month we bring you: Highlights of Recent Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche, New Materials in German and Sinhalese, Rejoicing about Volunteer Service in Mongolia, …and more! Have the ... Read more »
Progress Continues on Land of Medicine Buddha’s Mahabodhi Stupa Project in California

Progress Continues on Land of Medicine Buddha’s Mahabodhi Stupa Project in California

“Building stupas helps develop so much peace and happiness for numberless sentient beings. As a result, wars, disease, and desire will all be pacified. Instead of feeling hopeless, people will gain courage. This is about peace – for the beings ... Read more »
Losar Celebrations at Chandrakirti Meditation Centre

Losar Celebrations at Chandrakirti Meditation Centre

Chandrakirti Meditation Centre, an FPMT center in Upper Moutere, New Zealand, celebrated Losar in February 2019 with three days of activities: thukpa night at their FPMT resident teacher Geshe Jampa Tharchin’s house at Chandrakirti Meditation Centre on February 3; Guru ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice to Students of Dagri Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice to Students of Dagri Rinpoche

If you wish to read FPMT International Office’s updates regarding Dagri Rinpoche, they can be found here. Lama Zopa Rinpoche felt strongly that it was important for him to offer the following advice to the students of Dagri Rinpoche out ... Read more »

Update Regarding Dagri Rinpoche

Dagri Rinpoche has for many years been one of the Tibetan teachers on FPMT’s Tibetan Teachers List. The Indian police last week received a formal complaint from a woman who was on a commercial airline flight with Dagri Rinpoche in ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Begins Teaching at Vajrayogini Retreat in France

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Begins Teaching at Vajrayogini Retreat in France

Lama Zopa Rinpoche recently arrived at Institut Vajra Yogini (IVY) after giving teachings in Spain. A large gathering of students held khatas, glowing LED lights, and banners depicting the eight auspicious symbols as they awaited his night-time arrival at the ... Read more »