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Midday Meals Offered to Tibetan School Children in Bylakuppe, South India

Midday Meals Offered to Tibetan School Children in Bylakuppe, South India

The Central School for Tibetans, Cauvery Valley Project (CVP), located in Bylakuppe, South India, was established in 1971 to serve the children of refugees living at Dickey Larsoe Tibetan Settlement. Twenty-four staff help educate 217 elementary, middle, and secondary students. ... Read more »
Monthly Offerings Continue for Boudhanath Stupa, Nepal

Monthly Offerings Continue for Boudhanath Stupa, Nepal

One of the regular activities of the FPMT Puja Fund is offering white wash, four giant saffron flower petals and the best quality cloth (shambu) to the umbrellas at the pinnacles of Bouddhanath and Swayambunath stupas in Nepal on the ... Read more »
Mahamudra Centre to Build Large Prayer Wheel

Mahamudra Centre to Build Large Prayer Wheel

In May 2015 Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised Mahamudra Centre in New Zealand to build a large prayer wheel similar in design and size as the one constructed at Root Institute in Bodhgaya. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Holy Object Fund, ... Read more »
Support Offered to Jampaling Elder’s Home, Dharamsala, India

Support Offered to Jampaling Elder’s Home, Dharamsala, India

Jampaling Elder’s Home, situated in Dharamshala, is about 15 minutes walking distance from the main temple of His Holiness the Dalai Lama with many prayer wheels lining the way. The resident Tibetan elders are able to attend all the teachings ... Read more »
Another Year of Offering Food to the Monks of Sera Je Monastery

Another Year of Offering Food to the Monks of Sera Je Monastery

As 2016 comes to a close, we’d like to invite you to rejoice in another year of offering food to all of the monks studying at Sera Je Monastery through the Sera Je Food Fund. Since 1991 the Sera Je ... Read more »
The Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund Offers Support to the Teachers of Tomorrow

The Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund Offers Support to the Teachers of Tomorrow

On Friday, December 23 Tibetan Buddhists of the Gelug tradition celebrate Lama Tsongkhapa Day, or Ganden Ngamchoe, a celebration of the anniversary of Lama Tsongkhapa’s parinirvana. Lama Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) was a Tibetan Buddhist master whose studies and meditations in all ... Read more »
New Temple Ceremony at Ngari Khangtsen at Sera Je Monastery

New Temple Ceremony at Ngari Khangtsen at Sera Je Monastery

Ngari Khangtsen recently completed a project that was over two years in the making, a new temple for the monks. The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund was pleased to offer a grant of support as one of the main sponsors of ... Read more »
Kopan November Course Ends with a Birthday Celebration and Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Kopan November Course Ends with a Birthday Celebration and Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche

The 2016 one-month “November course” at Kopan Monastery came to an end in early December with a birthday celebration and a long life puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s birthday celebration was a fun and auspicious occasion. While ... Read more »
Rebuilding and Improving Lawudo Retreat Centre

Rebuilding and Improving Lawudo Retreat Centre

The Lawudo Retreat Centre, situated high in the Himalayan mountains of eastern Nepal, holds particular significance for FPMT. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the reincarnation of the Lawudo Lama, Lama Kunzang Yeshe, who lived and practiced in Lawudo until his passing ... Read more »
Monlam Celebration for All Buddhist Traditions in Bhutan

Monlam Celebration for All Buddhist Traditions in Bhutan

The Preserving the Lineage Fund was pleased to offer US$4,000 toward a March 2017 Monlam festival in Bhutan for 300 individuals representing all Buddhist traditions. Prayers, teachings, discussions, and meals will be shared among the participants in celebration of Monlam ... Read more »
15,600 Sangha Joining in Group Prayer This Lhabab Duchen, November 20

15,600 Sangha Joining in Group Prayer This Lhabab Duchen, November 20

Every year on Lhabab Duchen (Buddha’s Descent from Tushita) the Puja Fund sponsors prayers, pujas, offerings to Sangha all over the world, as well as offerings to holy objects in India, Nepal, and Tibet. This year, Lhabab Duchen, one of ... Read more »
Support to 120 Students of Sagarmatha Lower Secondary School

Support to 120 Students of Sagarmatha Lower Secondary School

For the past two years, Kopan Monastery has taken on the responsibility of supporting Sagarmatha Secondary School in Chailsa, Nepal. The school is located on what was once a Tibetan refugee camp and currently serves 120 young students. A foundation ... Read more »