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Grants for Shelter and Food in Remote Nepal Villages Offered

Grants for Shelter and Food in Remote Nepal Villages Offered

The Nepal Earthquake Support Fund was pleased to offer an additional US$50,000 toward essential relief to several Nepal villages. Initial aid had been offered to these areas last month, but the need was underestimated and this additional grant continues to ... Read more »
Nepal Earthquake Support Fund Continues to Offer Grants

Nepal Earthquake Support Fund Continues to Offer Grants

The Nepal Earthquake Support Fund continues to offer support to organizations who are benefiting those effected by the April 25, 2015 7.8 magnitude earthquake and subsequent 7.3 magnitude aftershock which occurred in May 12. The fund recently granted US$50,000 to ... Read more »
Kopan Helping Hands Continues to Offer Essential Aid in Nepal

Kopan Helping Hands Continues to Offer Essential Aid in Nepal

Immediately following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, causing extensive devastation, the monks and nuns of Kopan Monastery and Nunnery (which were both badly damaged) did not hesitate to spring into action by establishing Kopan ... Read more »
Please Rejoice on Saka Dawa for the Prayers and Practices Offered by 15,650 Sangha

Please Rejoice on Saka Dawa for the Prayers and Practices Offered by 15,650 Sangha

Each year on Saka Dawa (Day 15 of Month 4: Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana), the Puja Fund sponsors an extensive array of offerings and pujas. Please rejoice that today, on Saka Dawa, 15,650 ordained Sangha members are offering ... Read more »
Support Continues for Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Ongoing Work in Nepal

Support Continues for Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Ongoing Work in Nepal

The Nepal Earthquake Support Fund has been contributing to the work of Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund. Losang Namgyal Rinpoche, a Kopan Rinpoche and a high lama for the Tamang people, has been coordinating with Kopan on ... Read more »
Offerings, Pujas, and Support to Sangha on Saka Dawa for the Benefit of the Entire FPMT

Offerings, Pujas, and Support to Sangha on Saka Dawa for the Benefit of the Entire FPMT

Each year on Saka Dawa (Day 15 of Month 4: Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana), the Puja Fund sponsors an extensive array of offerings and pujas. The practices are done by up to 15,650 ordained Sangha and offerings are ... Read more »
Help Offered to over 5,000 Families in Need in Nepal

Help Offered to over 5,000 Families in Need in Nepal

Please rejoice that US$49,799 USD was raised to help those in need in Nepal. For this offering, FPMT’s Nepal Earthquake Support Fund offered US$17,543.18 (1,792,000.00 NPR), Kopan’s Helping Hands Project offered, US$11,502.92 and US$20,752.63 was raised locally. This money was ... Read more »
Fourth Round of 108 Nyung Näs at Institut Vajra Yogini

Fourth Round of 108 Nyung Näs at Institut Vajra Yogini

“Following up on the success of previous rounds of 108 nyung näs at Institut Vajra Yogini in France, the center started a fourth round in November 2014,” said director François Lecointre. “Midway through this fourth round, almost 600 nyung näs, ... Read more »
Food Offered to Students and Teachers of Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India

Food Offered to Students and Teachers of Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India

For the third year, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Social Services Fund, has offered food to the school children of Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India. This year, forty children, fifteen teachers, and 15 young monks will benefit from this offering. ... Read more »
Relief Sent to Several Villages in Upper Solu Khumbu Nepal

Relief Sent to Several Villages in Upper Solu Khumbu Nepal

Nyima Tashi, who is directing this initiative on behalf of Charok Lama Sherpa and Lama Zopa Rinpoche via the Nepal Earthquake Support Fund, arranged for 200 tents to be sent to Thame in Solu Khumbu region by Goma Air. Goma ... Read more »
Losang Namgyal Rinpoche Offering Essential Relief Aid in Nepal

Losang Namgyal Rinpoche Offering Essential Relief Aid in Nepal

The Nepal Earthquake Support Fund has been contributing to the efforts of Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund. US$10,000 has been offered to these efforts. Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s organization is helping save the lives of some of the ... Read more »
An Update from Ven. Roger Kunsang Concerning the Nepal Earthquake Support Fund

An Update from Ven. Roger Kunsang Concerning the Nepal Earthquake Support Fund

Ven. Roger Kunsang released this recent update: First, I would like to extend a very big THANK YOU to everyone for moving on this emergency relief effort so quickly by offering to the Nepal Earthquake Support Fund, which we set ... Read more »