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Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
The FPMT is an organization devoted to preserving and spreading Mahayana Buddhism worldwide by creating opportunities to listen, reflect, meditate, practice and actualize the unmistaken teachings of the Buddha and based on that experience spreading the Dharma to sentient beings. We provide integrated education through which people’s minds and hearts can be transformed into their highest potential for the benefit of others, inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility and service. We are committed to creating harmonious environments and helping all beings develop their full potential of infinite wisdom and compassion. Our organization is based on the Buddhist tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa of Tibet as taught to us by our founders Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche.
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Die Stiftung zur Erhaltung der Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) ist eine Organisation, die sich weltweit für die Erhaltung und Verbreitung des Mahayana-Buddhismus einsetzt, indem sie Möglichkeiten schafft, den makellosen Lehren des Buddha zuzuhören, über sie zur reflektieren und zu meditieren und auf der Grundlage dieser Erfahrung das Dharma unter den Lebewesen zu verbreiten.
Wir bieten integrierte Schulungswege an, durch denen der Geist und das Herz der Menschen in ihr höchstes Potential verwandelt werden zum Wohl der anderen – inspiriert durch eine Haltung der universellen Verantwortung und dem Wunsch zu dienen. Wir haben uns verpflichtet, harmonische Umgebungen zu schaffen und allen Wesen zu helfen, ihr volles Potenzial unendlicher Weisheit und grenzenlosen Mitgefühls zu verwirklichen.
Unsere Organisation basiert auf der buddhistischen Tradition von Lama Tsongkhapa von Tibet, so wie sie uns von unseren Gründern Lama Thubten Yeshe und Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche gelehrt wird.
- Bienvenidos
La Fundación para la preservación de la tradición Mahayana (FPMT) es una organización que se dedica a preservar y difundir el budismo Mahayana en todo el mundo, creando oportunidades para escuchar, reflexionar, meditar, practicar y actualizar las enseñanzas inconfundibles de Buda y en base a esa experiencia difundir el Dharma a los seres.
Proporcionamos una educación integrada a través de la cual las mentes y los corazones de las personas se pueden transformar en su mayor potencial para el beneficio de los demás, inspirados por una actitud de responsabilidad y servicio universales. Estamos comprometidos a crear ambientes armoniosos y ayudar a todos los seres a desarrollar todo su potencial de infinita sabiduría y compasión.
Nuestra organización se basa en la tradición budista de Lama Tsongkhapa del Tíbet como nos lo enseñaron nuestros fundadores Lama Thubten Yeshe y Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
A continuación puede ver una lista de los centros y sus páginas web en su lengua preferida.
- Bienvenue
L’organisation de la FPMT a pour vocation la préservation et la diffusion du bouddhisme du mahayana dans le monde entier. Elle offre l’opportunité d’écouter, de réfléchir, de méditer, de pratiquer et de réaliser les enseignements excellents du Bouddha, pour ensuite transmettre le Dharma à tous les êtres. Nous proposons une formation intégrée grâce à laquelle le cœur et l’esprit de chacun peuvent accomplir leur potentiel le plus élevé pour le bien d’autrui, inspirés par le sens du service et une responsabilité universelle. Nous nous engageons à créer un environnement harmonieux et à aider tous les êtres à épanouir leur potentiel illimité de compassion et de sagesse. Notre organisation s’appuie sur la tradition guéloukpa de Lama Tsongkhapa du Tibet, telle qu’elle a été enseignée par nos fondateurs Lama Thoubtèn Yéshé et Lama Zopa Rinpoché.
Visitez le site de notre Editions Mahayana pour les traductions, conseils et nouvelles du Bureau international en français.
Voici une liste de centres et de leurs sites dans votre langue préférée
- Benvenuto
L’FPMT è un organizzazione il cui scopo è preservare e diffondere il Buddhismo Mahayana nel mondo, creando occasioni di ascolto, riflessione, meditazione e pratica dei perfetti insegnamenti del Buddha, al fine di attualizzare e diffondere il Dharma fra tutti gli esseri senzienti.
Offriamo un’educazione integrata, che può trasformare la mente e i cuori delle persone nel loro massimo potenziale, per il beneficio di tutti gli esseri, ispirati da un’attitudine di responsabilità universale e di servizio.
Il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare contesti armoniosi e aiutare tutti gli esseri a sviluppare in modo completo le proprie potenzialità di infinita saggezza e compassione.
La nostra organizzazione si basa sulla tradizione buddhista di Lama Tsongkhapa del Tibet, così come ci è stata insegnata dai nostri fondatori Lama Thubten Yeshe e Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
Di seguito potete trovare un elenco dei centri e dei loro siti nella lingua da voi prescelta.
- 欢迎 / 歡迎
“护持大乘法脉基金会”( 英文简称:FPMT。全名:Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition) 是一个致力于护持和弘扬大乘佛法的国际佛教组织。我们提供听闻,思维,禅修,修行和实证佛陀无误教法的机会,以便让一切众生都能够享受佛法的指引和滋润。
我们全力创造和谐融洽的环境, 为人们提供解行并重的完整佛法教育,以便启发内在的环宇悲心及责任心,并开发内心所蕴藏的巨大潜能 — 无限的智慧与悲心 — 以便利益和服务一切有情。
護持大乘法脈基金會”( 英文簡稱:FPMT。全名:Found
ation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition ) 是一個致力於護持和弘揚大乘佛法的國際佛教組織。我們提供聽聞, 思維,禪修,修行和實證佛陀無誤教法的機會,以便讓一切眾生都能 夠享受佛法的指引和滋潤。 我們全力創造和諧融洽的環境,
為人們提供解行並重的完整佛法教育,以便啟發內在的環宇悲心及責 任心,並開發內心所蘊藏的巨大潛能 — 無限的智慧與悲心 – – 以便利益和服務一切有情。 FPMT的創辦人是圖騰耶喜喇嘛和喇嘛梭巴仁波切。
我們所修習的是由兩位上師所教導的,西藏喀巴大師的佛法傳承。 察看道场信息:
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If you are suffering, use it as the cause to bring happiness to others. This way, whatever kind of life experience you have, you use it on the path. There is no interruption to Dharma practice and one’s life is most beneficial.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche
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The Foundation Store is FPMT’s online shop and features a vast selection of Buddhist study and practice materials written or recommended by our lineage gurus. These items include homestudy programs, prayers and practices in PDF or eBook format, materials for children, and other resources to support practitioners.
Items displayed in the shop are made available for Dharma practice and educational purposes, and never for the purpose of profiting from their sale. Please read FPMT Foundation Store Policy Regarding Dharma Items for more information.
FPMT Community: Stories & News
His Holiness the Dalai Lama will join a live online event celebrating the publication of Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Volume 2: The Mind. Wisdom Publications is hosting the live book launch on Friday, November 13, at 9 a.m. India Standard Time (UTC +5:30); Thursday, November 12, at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5; for more time zones, please see Time Zone Converter).
The Mind is the second volume in the Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics series, focusing on the science of mind. The series is the English translation of a compilation of texts drawn from the Kangyur and Tengyur, which discusses the physical world, mind science, and Buddhist philosophy. Described as a heart-project of His Holiness, a committee of Tibetan geshes created this compendium, which was published in Tibetan in 2014 as four volumes. Translations of these volumes are being made into Chinese, English, Italian, and other languages.
In this second volume, readers are introduced to Buddhist conceptions of mind and consciousness and then led through traditional presentations of mental phenomena to reveal a Buddhist vision of the inner world with implications for the contemporary disciplines of cognitive science, psychology, emotion research, and philosophy of mind.
In addition to His Holiness, the book launch features the following guests: Daniel Aitken, CEO & Publisher, Wisdom Publications; Geshe Thupten Jinpa, series editor; Dechen Rochard, translator; and John D. Dunne, author of contextual essays and translator.
“What could be more central to Buddhism than the mind? As the opening verse of the Dhammapada says, ‘mind is the basis for everything,’” writes José Ignacio Cabezón, Dalai Lama Professor of Tibetan Buddhism and Cultural Studies, University of California Santa Barbara. “This groundbreaking volume introduces the reader to the most important Buddhist ideas about the mind—its nature, types, workings, and the techniques that Buddhists through the centuries have used to transform it. A truly indispensable sourcebook.”
For more information and to sign up to watch His Holiness the Dalai Lama live, please visit the The Mind book launch page on WisdomExperience.org.
You can read an excerpt of His Holiness’s introduction to the first volume of the Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics series, The Physical World, published by Wisdom Publications in November 2017, from Mandala January–June 2018: “A Gift of Insight: Buddhist Mind Science and Philosophy.”
Find more live online teachings and talks with His Holiness at DalaiLama.com/live.
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
At the end of September 2020, Drolkar McCallum, regional coordinator for FPMT North America and office manager for the International Mahayana Institute—FPMT’s international community of nuns and monks—held a successful and highly enjoyable regional meeting. Drolkar offered her reflections.
This was the first time that we had the North American regional meeting online, but our two-hour Zoom meeting went better than expected. With the help of two dakinis—Beth Dart to troubleshoot Zoom and Jennifer Kim to take notes—I could concentrate on what the participants were saying, while battling my unstable internet connection. (At the end of the short midway break, I had to ask Beth if everyone was back yet as I couldn’t see anyone!)
Twenty-nine participants representing FPMT International Office and seventeen centers, projects, services, and study groups from all over the United States and Canada came together with a few FPMT registered teachers to report on how they were all coping during the age of COVID-19. I was very impressed with their resilience, enthusiasm, and the way they quickly adapted to online activities to keep the Dharma flowing.
We were very happy that Ven. Roger Kunsang, FPMT International Office CEO, came to listen, but when he left early someone joked that he’d gone to watch the US presidential debate. I found out afterwards that his internet connection had given out.
Even though the meeting was online and much shorter than normal, there was an obvious delight in seeing each other once again and in rekindling that family feeling. I rejoice in my merit everyday to be able to work with this amazing group of people.
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
- Tagged: beth dart, drolkar mccalllum, fpmt north america, jennifer kim
Root Institute for Wisdom Culture, the FPMT center in Bodhgaya, Bihar State, India, has been distributing daily staples and food in the local community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Community service is one of FPMT’s Five Pillars of Service.
The online story “Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Helping Local Communities in Need” is an inspiring account of team work, community building, and direct service as told by Root Institute center manager, Samten Dolma Bhutia, who is also managing the food distribution initiative.
“Root Institute had the wish to offer service during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in our state of Bihar, one of the poorest states in India with a high volume of migrant workers,” Samten writes. “The merit-multiplying month of Saka Dawa helped us set this course into action. By the blessing of Lama Zopa Rinpoche we began distributing food in May, funded by Root Institute. In June 2020, we received a donation from the Tzu Chi Foundation in Taiwan for food distribution around the Buddhist holy sites of Bodhgaya and Sarnath, and began distributing food on their behalf on June 5.”
As of their most recent food distribution on September 14, Root Institute staff have packed and distributed more than 1,400 bags of food in more than ten villages as well as the Veda Orphan Old Age Home in Bodhgaya.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche sent a message, “Benefits of Charity: Root Institute’s Food Distribution Program during COVID-19,” to Root Institute, rejoicing in their work:
“Thinking from the side of the beneficiaries, these are times of great hardships for them, and help has arrived in their utmost time of need. When we are extremely poor with nothing left to eat and when someone helps us in such a time of need, imagine how extremely happy and appreciative we feel. By this you know exactly what it’s like.”
Read the complete online story “Root Institute for Wisdom Culture Helping Local Communities in Need” and Rinpoche’s entire message:
For more information about Root Institute for Wisdom Culture, visit their website:
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
Welcome to our October e-News
In this month’s FPMT International Office e-News, out now, we bring you news about:
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Teachings and Advice
- How We’re Supporting Schools in India and Nepal
- Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi’s Story
- Who’s Who in the FPMT Organization
….and more!
Have the e-News translated into your native language by using our convenient translation facility located on the right-hand side of the page.
The FPMT International Office e-News comes from your FPMT International Office. Visit our subscribe page to receive the FPMT International Office News directly in your email box.
- Tagged: lama zopa rinpoche, news, schools
Dharma students and the general public have the ongoing opportunity to watch and study with His Holiness the Dalai Lama via live webcast during the coronavirus pandemic.
The next live webcast of His Holiness will be a three-day teaching on October 2–4, 2020. His Holiness will teach on Lama Je Tsongkhapa’s Essence of True Eloquence (tangnye lekshey nyingpo) and Chandrakirti’s Entering the Middle Way (uma jukpa) beginning each day at 9 A.M. India Standard Time (UTC+5:30). (You can find your local time using a time zone converter.)
His Holiness is broadcasting from his residence in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India. This teaching is being given at the request of Taiwanese Buddhist students. People are requested to please follow social distancing rules while viewing the live webcast.
His Holiness’s teachings will be translated live into English, Chinese, Hindi, French, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, German, Portuguese, and Italian. Links for translations are available on dalailama.com/live.
Students not able to watch the live webcasts of His Holiness’s teachings can watch recordings of them online. They are available on dalailama.com/videos and the Dalai Lama Archive YouTube channel.
His Holiness’s first live webcast, a two-day teaching on Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland, was given on May 16–17, 2020. The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama wrote, “Today, for the first time, His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave a teaching with no one sitting in front of him that was captured on video and webcast to the world.”
His Holiness began the webcast by remarking, “We are using this marvelous technology, which is quite amazing, for today’s teaching. The main reason is that many people whom I know—my friends and others who may have interest—and I used to have meetings. Due to the pandemic there are restrictions on meeting people. Therefore, we have this difficulty, so we are doing this teaching via webcast. Some people have requested I give some talk, and I thought it was a very good idea to do so.”
His Holiness will give a three-day teaching on November 5–7, 2020, on Nagarjuna’s Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel), beginning each day at 9 A.M. India Standard Time (UTC+5:30). This teaching is being given at the request of Russian Buddhists.
Dates for online talks and teachings with His Holiness can be found as they are announced on the regularly updated schedule for His Holiness: dalailama.com/schedule.
For more on His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his beneficial activities, please visit DalaiLama.com.
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
- Tagged: dalai lama, dharamsala, his holiness the dalai lama, webcast, webcasts
Monks have held the Jang Guncho, the winter debate festival, for centuries. The first Nuns’ Jang Guncho took place in Dharamsala, India, in 1995. An annual event, the Nuns’ Jang Guncho is an opportunity for nunneries to gather together to train in and practice debate. The 2018 Nuns’ Jang Guncho took place at Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery (Kopan Nunnery), an FPMT nunnery in Kathmandu, Nepal. Ani Lobsang Drolma, from Khachoe Ghakyil Ling, shares about the Jang Guncho in 2020 and how its been affected by the pandemic.
In mid-August, Kopan Nunnery started the Jang Guncho, the month-long winter debate session. Most of the Kopan senior nuns, except for the staff, participated in this festival.
The famous event originated in Central Tibet in the monasteries and nunneries west of Lhasa. The focus is on logic, using the text Pramanavartika (Commentary on Valid Cognition) by Dharmakirti.
This inter-monastic debate festival has been held annually. Currently organized by the Tibetan Nuns Project, the Gelug nunneries in Nepal and India would usually gather together to debate with each other, with each institution taking turns hosting. Unfortunately this year plans to gather in India had to be canceled due to the pandemic. For months nuns haven’t left their nunneries as a precaution to prevent possible exposure to the virus.
The younger nuns, who are still in school subjects such as language, science, and math, continue with their studies and prayer memorization. Only the nuns who have graduated from these subjects and now study Buddhist philosophy participate in the festival. During this month, only Pramanavartika is studied in depth and debated. The schedule is intense, with two debate sessions daily, and ongoing memorization and discussion of logic in between.
The winter debate festival ended on September 15. The tsenphue dhamcha, a night group debate between the classes, was held that day from 4 p.m. until midnight. Lama Zopa Rinpoche and nunnery abbot Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi, who are both staying at nearby Kopan Monastery, visited the nunnery to listen to the nuns debate and then left at dinner time. Rinpoche gave a precious teaching before he left, and he appear to be very happy with the nuns. The next day was the final day of the Yarne, the summer retreat.
Now that both the Jang Guncho and the Yarne are finished the nuns are getting a holiday for a week. However, many nuns are busy with their Gelug college exam preparations. The rest of the nuns will have good break.
Watch a one-minute video of the Kopan nuns debating during the Jang Guncho:
For more information about Kopan Nunnery, visit their website:
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
- Tagged: ani lobsang drolma, debate, jang gunchoe, kopan nunnery, ven thubten choying, ven. namdrol phuntsok, winter debate, winter jang debate, yarne
We Hope You Enjoy Our September e-News
Welcome to the September edition of our monthly FPMT International Office e-News. We bring you news to rejoice about:
- Inspirational teachings and advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche
- The IMI “Healing the World” Prayerathon
- Support Offered to Tibetan Elders
Have the e-News translated into your native language by using our convenient translation facility located on the right-hand side of the page.
The FPMT International Office e-News comes from your FPMT International Office. Visit our subscribe page to receive the FPMT International Office News directly in your email box.
Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi is abbot of Kopan Monastery and Kopan Nunnery, the FPMT monastic institutions in Kathmandu, Nepal, and resident geshe at Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC), the FPMT center in Singapore. The online story “A Deep Interest in Study: Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi’s Story and the History of Kopan,” based on a July 2020 video interview, tells of Khen Rinpoche’s experience from when he was a boy in the Solu Khumbu District of Nepal to being a monk at Kopan in the 1970s to becoming the abbot of Kopan Monastery. Here’s a short excerpt from the story:
Four or five years after Khen Rinpoche began his monastic studies at Kopan, Khen Rinpoche’s older brother, who was living in Kathmandu, advised Khen Rinpoche to leave the monastery and go to a school, thinking his brother wasn’t really studying at the monastery. When Khen Rinpoche consulted Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup, who was overseeing monastic education at Kopan, Khensur Rinpoche said, “If you go to a school what can you achieve? Just the basic knowledge, not much more than that. But then you are also creating so much negative karma in your life. So even if you don’t learn much, it is better to stay in the monastery. In this way every day you can collect merit all the time.”
Many teachers from Sera Je Monastery in South India, such as Geshe Doga and Geshe Jampa Gyatso, came to visit Kopan Monastery and teach philosophy. Scholastic monks from Sera Je Monastery also would sometimes stay at Kopan while on pilgrimage in Kathmandu. “Then we had to debate with them,” Khen Rinpoche explains. “Most of us were not good in debate at that time, so we were very nervous to debate with them. … I noticed that whatever questions were asked to the monks from Sera, they answered very well.” This inspired Khen Rinpoche to want to know everything about Buddhist philosophy.
In 1980, Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup, Lama Yeshe, and Lama Zopa Rinpoche decided to send twelve Kopan monks to Sera Je Monastery to study. Lama Yeshe and Khensur Rinpoche asked Khen Rinpoche if he would want to go to Sera, which he did.
Khensur Rinpoche then accompanied the group of Kopan monks to Sera Je Monastery and stayed with them for the first month. Feeling discouraged after the first month, Khen Rinpoche told Khensur Rinpoche that he didn’t understand anything and wanted to return to Kopan. Khensur Rinpoche said, “One month is too short. So you must stay longer and try.” …
Watch “The Story of Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi and the History of Kopan Monastery” on YouTube:
Read the complete online story “A Deep Interest in Study: Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi’s Story and the History of Kopan”:
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
You can find more information about Kopan Monastery and Kopan Nunnery online.
FPMT students and centers in California in the United States have been affected by the wildfires blazing in many parts of the state. Vajrapani Institute, which is near the small community of Boulder Creek, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco, had to evacuate due to an ongoing wildfire.
“We all received an immediate evacuation order on the evening of August 18,” Liz Chisler, Vajrapani’s community relations coordinator, writes. “Many of us saw the glow and flames of the fire as we left. The fire was visible from our ridge. Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB) [the FPMT retreat center in Soquel] offered staff a place to stay. We have staff and community members either at LMB or staying with friends. We are all safe, well, and counting the days until we can return.”
Vajrapani staff are remaining in close contact with each other and continuing with their day to day work as much as possible. Elaine Jackson, the resident teacher at Vajrapani, continues with her weekly online program called Touching Peace: An Introduction to Meditation.
The fire that threatened Vajrapani is called the CZU Lightning Complex fire. As of September 2, the fire has spread over 130 square miles (340 square kilometers) and is only forty-six percent contained. Liz writes that they feel very thankful that the flames did not reach the retreat center. Vajrapani is east of the Highway 9 fire line. However, many in the Boulder Creek community have not been as fortunate. “We all have many dear friends that have lost their homes,” she writes. More than 900 homes have been burned by this particular wildfire and the number continues to rise.
“We are fortunate that we do not rely on utility companies for our water and power as these services have been badly damaged,” Liz explains. “However we do not have internet at Vajrapani as the two towers that our internet provider had were burned in the fire. We have no date of when these will be up and running again.” Vajrapani staff are hoping to be able to return to Vajrapani in the coming days. Liz says, “We have much gratitude for all the love, support, and prayers that have come from everyone.”
Dozens of wildfires are currently active throughout California. FPMT centers and students in many areas have had to cope with extremely poor air quality. Ven. Carol Corradi, center director of Tse Chen Ling in San Francisco, says that they’ve had several days of bad smoke and haze. Ven. Holly Ansett, FPMT Charitable Projects coordinator who lives at Kachoe Dechen Ling in Aptos, writes that the air has been extremely bad there and at times ash has fallen from the sky. Nadezhda Wein-Duffy, co-director Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center in Campbell, reports that they’ve also had several days of very poor air quality due to smoke from nearby fires. Ocean of Compassion is located in the suburban South Bay area, so they aren’t directly threatened by fires.
At Land of Calm Abiding in the Central Coast area of California, they were on alert and ready to evacuate, but fortunately did not need to. Ven. Namgyal, the director of the retreat land, was in regular contact with the local officials getting updates.
Wildfires have been affecting other centers outside of California as well. A few weeks ago there was a fire close to Buddha Amitabha Pure Land in north central Washington State. The resident Sangha there were ready to evacuate, but did not need to leave and the fire was put out. Also at O.sel.ling Centro de Retiros, a retreat center located in the southern Spain, there was a fire in a nearby village. Helicopters came in and poured water on it. After two days, it was extinguished.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice
Lama Zopa Rinpoche has given advice on several occasions on practices to do in order to dispel and protect from fire, which can be found in the PDF “Practices and Advice to Dispel Fires.” This advice includes instruction on Medicine Buddha practice, White Umbrella practice, the Heart Mantra of Arya Vairochana, Kshitigarbha practice, Chenrezig practice, and more.
You can also find additional instruction on practice to do in Rinpoche’s short advice given in 2017 on California wildfires. The Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive also has a page for Rinpoche’s advice on fires.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice “Practices and Advice to Dispel Fires” can be found here:
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
- Tagged: buddha amitabha pure land, fire, gyalwa gyatso (ocean of compassion) buddhist center, land of calm abiding, land of medicine buddha, o.sel.ling, tse chen ling, vajrapani institute
Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi, Losang Namgyal Rinpoche, Geshes, and Lama Gyupa monks offered Yamantaka self-initiation on the ninth anniversary of Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lhundrup Rigsel’s showing the aspect of leaving his holy body. The practice began at 2 p.m. at Kopan Monastery. Afterward the monks did Lama Chopa that went late into the night.
Khensur Rinpoche, Kopan’s former abbot who was known to many as Lama Lhundrup, passed away into clear light meditation on the tenth day of the seventh month of the Tibetan Calendar in September 2011. He was born in Tibet in 1941 and studied at Sera Je Monastery in Lhasa before fleeing the country in 1959. He was one of the monks who studied at the refugee camp at Buxa Duar, where he met Lama Yeshe. He came to Kopan in 1973 at the request of Lama Yeshe to look after and teach the young monks of the newly created Kopan Monastery.
Khensur Rinpoche stayed at Kopan for nearly forty years, offering service to Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and helping build the monastery and nunnery into the well respected institutions they are today. He is remembered by the monks, nuns, and international students who studied at Kopan as a kind, patient, and supremely caring person. (Read more about Khensur Rinpoche in “Mother, Father, Teacher, Friend: The Incomparable Kindness of Kopan’s Treasured Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup Rigsel,” Mandala October-December 2011.)
Ven. Thubten Kunkhen served as Khensur Rinpoche’s attended for nearly twenty years. He shares the story of Khensur Rinpoche in a video created earlier this year. Ven. Kunkhen talks about Khensur Rinpoche’s early history as well as about all he did for Kopan’s monks and nuns.
Scenes from the Yamantaka Self-Initiation on the Anniversary of Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lhundrup Rigsel’s Passing:
Watch Ven. Thubten Kunkhen tell Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lhundrup Rigsel’s story:
You can find all of Mandala’s coverage of Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup at this link:
For more on Kopan Monastery, please visit:
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Due to the pandemic, some of the stories from earlier in the year were delayed. Here’s one of joyous events that took place in late February and early March. We share it now so that we may all rejoice in the merit created.
His Eminence the 7th Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche visited New Zealand during the Fifteen Days of Miracles from February 26 to March 21, 2020. Rinpoche visited FPMT centers Dorje Chang Institute for Wisdom Culture on February 29–March 2, Amitabha Hospice Service on March 3, Mahamudra Centre on March 6–8, and Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre on March 10–15.
This is a short excerpt from the recently published online story “His Eminence Ling Rinpoche Welcomed to New Zealand for the First Time.” In this excerpt Dorje Chang Institute spiritual program coordinator Gyalten Wangmo shares the story about the visit to Dorje Chang Institute.
His Eminence the 7th Kyabje Yongzin Ling Rinpoche’s delightful and meaningful first visit to New Zealand started in Auckland at Dorje Chang Institute for Wisdom Culture (DCI).
During the visit, His Eminence Ling Rinpoche’s presence showed the aspect of relaxedness, acute precise awareness, warm friendliness, and a deep happiness and joyfulness. His Eminence offered such clear, precise, accessible, and practical teachings about how to get the experience of Dharma, emphasizing how to have realistic expectations about our practice. His Eminence taught on “Transforming Problems into Happiness: The Eight Verses of Thought Transformation,” “Compassion and Loving Kindness Meditation,” “Public Talk: A Peaceful Mind in a Turbulent World,” and “An Introduction to the Secret, Profound Practice of Tonglen.”
We hired an outside venue, Avondale College Theatre, to allow for greater attendance. In total we had approximately 428 attendees. This visit was supported by the generosity of volunteers and benefactors, big and small, who took responsibility to make meaningful contributions so that everyone could benefit.
Geshe Wangchen, our FPMT resident teacher, welcomed the opportunity to offer His Eminence Ling Rinpoche and his entourage—Ven. Kartsön (Yaki Platt), Ven. Tenzin Khentse, and Geshe Lobsang Yonten—outings to a variety of beaches and other places in Auckland. Geshe-la said that especially when they went for walks and swimming, it was an unforgettable time.
His Eminence Ling Rinpoche expressed, during a thank you tea with core visit volunteers, that His Eminence enjoyed the time at DCI, commenting that it is a beautiful center with so much green land—including jungle—and yet is so centrally located for people. The center was nourished by His Eminence showing the aspect of enjoying and appreciating DCI’s environment and center.
We sincerely thanked His Eminence Ling Rinpoche for all of the blessings and believe much benefit was offered through the visit through the precious teachings people received, the service they offered and the connections they made for the future.
While in Auckland, His Eminence Ling Rinpoche also met with and gave advice to the local Tibetan community in Auckland, and visited Tashi Gomang Centre and the Kagyu Buddhist Centre.
Read the online story “His Eminence Ling Rinpoche Welcomed to New Zealand for the First Time”:
For more information about His Eminence Ling Rinpoche, visit Rinpoche’s website:
For more information about Dorje Chang Institute for Wisdom Culture, visit their website:
FPMT.org and Mandala Publications brings you news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and of activities, teachings, and events from over 160 FPMT centers, projects, and services around the globe. If you like what you read, consider becoming a Friend of FPMT, which supports our work.
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