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Video of Rinpoche’s Teachings in 2013

Video of Rinpoche’s Teachings in 2013

Recent live webcasts of Rinpoche teaching in Asia are available to watch anytime on Livestream.
US$10,000 Offered to Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup Rigsel’s Stupa

US$10,000 Offered to Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup Rigsel’s Stupa

January 2013: The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund and the Stupa Fund recently donated US$10,000 toward the completion of Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup Rigsel’s second stupa being built at Kopan Monastery. Donations such as this contribute directly to the Stupa ... Read more »
Update to Nyung-Nä Retreats

Update to Nyung-Nä Retreats

First day of Nyung-Nä Retreat at Institut Vajra Yogini, France.March 2013: In November, 2012 we reported that Lama Zopa Rinpoche was sponsoring students to do 108 Nyung Nä retreats at Institut Vajra Yogini, France, from November 18, 2012 to June ... Read more »
Advice on Circumambulation from Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Advice on Circumambulation from Lama Zopa Rinpoche

The new April-June issue of Mandala focused on pilgrimage and includes valuable advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the practice of prostration, something one would do at a holy site. Circumambulation is another essential practice one does on pilgrimage. In ... Read more »
Discounted ‘Mystic Tibet’ in Celebration of ‘Skies of Benefit’

Discounted ‘Mystic Tibet’ in Celebration of ‘Skies of Benefit’

FPMT News Around the World The recently published April-June 2013 issue of Mandala focuses on several different aspects of pilgrimage and a variety of holy sites. “Skies of Benefit: The Path of Pilgrimage” leads readers through Tibet, China, India and ... Read more »
Sutras Page

Sutras Page

Ven.Tsering’s writing of the Prajnaparamita at Kachoe Dechen Ling, USAAs records of teachings given by Buddha, sutras are an important part of Buddhist study and practice. As such, we have created a page dedicated to the exploration of many of ... Read more »
New Video: Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Amitabha Buddhist Centre

New Video: Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Amitabha Buddhist Centre

FPMT News Around the World FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche visited Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore, March 8-10. During Rinpoche’s teachings, FPMT offered live streaming video to the international FPMT community. But if you weren’t able to watch live, ... Read more »
Skies of Benefit: The New Issue of Mandala

Skies of Benefit: The New Issue of Mandala

Mandala’s April-June 2013 print issue has just been published. In it, we take a look at the “Skies of Benefit” one can create through the correct practice of pilgrimage. Our exclusive online content for this issue includes advice from Lama ... Read more »

How to Become Enlightened When You Can’t Do Retreat

By Ven. Chönyi Taylor Without understanding how your inner nature evolves, how can you possibly discover eternal happiness? Where is eternal happiness? It’s not in the sky or in the jungle; you won’t find it in the air or under ... Read more »

New Video: Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Karma

While traveling from Taipei to Kaoshung as part of a tour of FPMT centers in Taiwan, Lama Zopa Rinpoche had a very late dinner at a food court. Ven. Roger writes in his blog “Life on the Road with Lama ... Read more »
‘The Benefits of Wearing Robes,’ a conversation with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

‘The Benefits of Wearing Robes,’ a conversation with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Taken from a conversation with Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the benefits of wearing one’s monastic robes in public: “If you were sangha but you didn’t wear robes, then people would not know [that you were ordained], but with robes on ... Read more »

Dreaming in the Food Court

From Ven. Roger Kunsang: Taiwan–March 2, 2013 We stopped for dinner, at a food court on the drive to Kaoshung. (We were driving from Taipei in the north to Kaoshung in the south of Taiwan. We got off to a ... Read more »